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You know......cause I'm sick.

So I wanted to start off this blog by giving someone a round of applause.  

A single mom who NEVER puts herself first.  Someone who works a full-time job and then races home (never making ANY pit-stops between work and the house) and then spending the next few hours focused completely on her 2 children until they go to sleep.  Someone who stays up late cutting up stupid vegetables for her kid's school snacks even though all she wants to do is watch re-runs of Sex and the City and drink red wine.

Aaaannnnnddd..... someone who recently performed the unthinkable.  

She managed to spend every single day of the March Break with her children without once crying, losing her head or throwing a temper tantrum.

Only a SAINT could do such a thing.

This "someone" that I am referring to is of course :) 

(Everyone jumps up and gives a huge round of applause while screaming "YOU'RE THE BEST RIDICULOUS GIRL!!"  and "YOU SET PARENTAL STANDARDS SO HIGH!"  aaannnddd...... "YOU'RE ALSO SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!")

Awww geeze!  Thanks guys!!!!  I really appreciate that!!

But in all seriousness, I ....and EVERY OTHER PARENT OUT THERE....deserves MORE than a round of applause for surviving March Break.  

March Break is absolutely ridiculous.  

The expectation on parents to try and juggle getting out of work in order to take your children on new, educational and super-fun trips during the week where there is no school and no breaks in the day, well...... it's almost a complete impossibility.  

And yet, somehow I did it.  

Once the week was finally over, I felt like I had run a goddam marathon........with 2 kids attached to each of my legs......while trying to balance a tray of veggies......all while listening to a song on repeat entitled "MOMMY!  CAN I HAVE ANOTHER SNACK??"

Once March Break was over, and the kids had FINALLY gone back to school, I immediately began looking forward to the following weekend when the kids would be with their dad and I would be alone. And I excitedly planned numerous fun activities, all for ME.  Because gosh darn it, I was a single mom, I was over-worked and well......because I just plain deserved it!! 

But the week progressed, I noticed a slight scratchiness in my throat.  


That's weird.  Don't wanna get sick.  I'd better up my green smoothie intake immediately.

By Wednesday, I started coughing. 


I quickly shuffled through my purse to find my stash of Polish eucalyptus candies.  I ate 10 right away, to stifle any possibility of a sore throat attacking me.

(By the way, you can NEVER have TOO MANY Polish eucalyptus candies.  Write that down.)

By the end of the work day on Friday, I had developed the worst migraine of my life.  And I knew that my worst fear for my weekend alone was coming to life.............sickness was pillaging my body :(  

I was bent over at my desk with my head on my keyboard groaning out loud for attention.

Most of the doctors that I work for just looked at me and kept walking.   So obviously I groaned louder.  

Finally my groaning and whining was effective in scoring me a 5-minute neck massage from one of our staff nurses.  (Great Success!)

But sadly, the neck massage did little to ease my poor little head's pain.

And the rest of my Friday (the first day of my fabulous weekend) was spent on the couch watching re-runs of Sex and the City, instead of getting together with a friend.

By Saturday morning, and after 12 hours of sleep, I was no better.  But I REFUSED to let this sickness destroy my weekend.  So I forced myself to have a very healthy breakfast of bacon, eggs and french toast along with 3 cups of coffee.  

I know what you're thinking.  

Why did I skimp on the coffee??  I know, I know, but I didn't want to over-do it when I wasn't feeling well.  

Anyway, I was feeling so congested, so dizzy and so weak, but I would NOT let this sickness get in the way of my routine.  So by 11am I was stretching out my legs on my mat, getting ready for my Saturday yoga class.  

Mary, the instructor, was a bit intense, so I decided to opt out of all of the plank poses.  You know......because of my sickness and all.  I also chose not to do the push-up part of the class.......once again, because I was sick.  And as the class came to an end and everyone stayed in seated position, I chose to lie down and cover myself up with a blankie and place a savasana lavender eye pillow over my eyes.  

Because I was sick.  

(Now, I should probably mention to you that I do all of these things in EVERY yoga class I go to.....but this time I REALLY HAD TO.  You know.....because of my sickness).

Anyway, I felt much better after my yoga class, but still very "sickly".   So I treated myself to some organic, home-made soups from Goodness Me.

As I stood in line waiting for the cashier, I thought Ugh, being sick is the WORST!  Life is SO hard.

Once I got to the cashier, I felt my throat tingling again, so I thought it best not to speak.  You conserve my voice.

The cashier said hello in a very chipper voice, and I in turn, coughed quietly and then pointed to my throat.  I mouthed the words I CAN'T SPEAK.  (I mean, I guess I could have.....but I didn't want to over-do it) 

"Oh you POOR THING!!" she squealed, "Well, I hope these soups make you feel better!"

I gave her a small smile and a thumbs up and went on my way.

It was SO hard being sick!

That afternoon I ate my soups and watched the 5th season of GIRLS.   But even Hannah's crazy outfits and awkward body (which is naked WAY too often in that show) didn't make me feel better.   And as the evening approached, I knew it was time to cancel the dinner date and friend's birthday party that I had planned on attending that night :(

And I stopped for a second to analyze things (as I very often did).  And I suddenly felt very angry.  For I knew that all of my hard work and planning for my daughter's March Break would not be rewarded..... because instead of having fun and hanging out with my friends, I was home. 

Stuck on the couch.  

And sick.

It was honestly the WORST!  

I was so frustrated.  

But there was nothing I could do about it!

So I decided not to agonize over my misfortune anymore, and instead I got dressed into my comfiest and coziest pjs, turned on my diffuser (filled with the glorious scents of lemongrass, tea tree and cloves) and climbed into bed to read my book.

After a second night of 12 hours of sleep (possibly 13....but who's counting), I treated myself to another healthy breakfast. This time pancakes and sausages.  

I mean, I was I REALLY needed to make sure I had tons of carbs and protein to fuel my body back into health.   

But despite my poor health, I still made it to church for 10:30am.  I mean, I needed God to see that I still made an effort.  And let's be honest, Mama would definitely have something to say if I didn't go ("Vel.....all you haf to know is dat God is vatching you.")

Church was excellent, as it always is.  The pastor was focusing on "stress" and gave numerous tips on how to live life happier and more stress-free.  I pulled out my fuzzy pink pen and jotted down some notes in my gold day-planner......along with a couple of hearts and flowers with happy faces.

By Sunday afternoon, I was back on my couch, coughing and sneezing and generally feeling like poop.  

By Sunday evening, I happened upon a delightful movie Julie & Julia which I had never seen before.  I sat mesmerized watching Julia sip a lovely glass of red wine as she cooked and laughed with her friends in Paris (you pronounce it like this "PAAAWW-REEEE"), and I thought how lovely it would be to also have a glass of red wine.  

But then I remembered that I was sick.  

And that red wine has tannins or something in it, that make it very bad for your sinuses and end up giving you a super bad headache the next day.

So I passed on the red wine.

And had white instead :)

By Monday morning I was back at work.  And VERY depressed that I had wasted a weekend alone.

When my coworkers asked what I did over the past few days, I sighed,

"Ugh.  It was the WORST!  I was super sick, so I REALLY had to take care of myself.  So I watched tons of movies, did a yoga class, ate home-made organic soup, went to church (where I learned tips on how to de-stress my life), watched more movies, drank wine, ate massive breakfasts, smelled scents from my new diffuser and wore pjs for 3 days straight."

My coworkers all stood there in silence with their mouths open.

I waited for them to feel sorry for know......cause I was so sick.

But instead Tracey finally spoke up and said..... "That's literally my dream weekend.  I think I'm going to tell my husband that I'm sick next weekend".

I turned back to my computer.............. and smiled.  

And I suddenly thought......isn't that funny?

After the most insane and busy March Break of my life, perhaps I WAS rewarded with the weekend that I needed??  

And maybe, all that I needed was time for myself?  


Sometimes the universe kicks your ass.  

But SOMETIMES it rewards you in the strangest ways afterwards.

And you don't even realize it until someone else makes you very aware of it.

All I know is that now, after that weekend, I feel relaxed and healthy and calm.

And I am VERY appreciative of my weekend alone in peace and solitude :)

But at the end of the day, let's be perfectly honest about one thing....... 

Anything that can get me out of push-ups and planks during my Saturday yoga class will always end up being a winning weekend for me!  



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