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Remember when you used to blog?

"Remember when you used to blog?  Those were the days....."

This is what a dear old friend recently wrote to me on Facebook.  

I was shocked.  Shocked that this person who I respected and liked so much even read my blog, or even knew that I had one.  And incredibly humbled and honoured that he took the time to send me that simple little line.

I stared at the computer and re-read his words over and over again.  His comment had sent a wave of emotions running through me. And I'm sure he had no idea, but he had said exactly what I had been feeling for the past year and a half.  

I must have re-read that sentence 20 or even 30 times.  And when I finally felt l like I had tortured myself enough,  I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, lifted my head, put my hands on my keyboard.........and starting writing.  



Writing had always been a source of healing for me.  Since I was a little girl, I had always kept a diary or journal and wrote pages upon pages of my daily life events.  Looking back now the details were so minimal and almost pointless, but at the time, they seemed huge and monumental.  Not getting an A on my math test, finally getting up on one waterski, having a sleepover with my best friend, or realizing for the first time how much better I looked once I learned how to draw eyebrows on.  These were all critical events shaping the person I was evolving to be (and also critical events in shaping how my face would eventually look). 

No matter what I was going through, it somehow always ended up on a sheet of paper.  And somehow these words for me had become a way of finding answers to life's everyday questions and challenges that I faced.  

If I wasn't writing, then I was talking.  And if I wasn't doing either, than I was practically imploding with my wild ideas, my insane imagination and my vision of my perfect, abundant world......or "delusion", as my good friend Kristina likes to call it :/  

In April of last year I stopped writing in order to focus on ending a way-too long divorce battle in court. And I was frustrated that a certain someone felt it necessary to keep reading and printing my Ridiculous Girl blog and bringing in the pages to all of our legal proceedings.  

So I stopped.

And for a year and a half, I tried to find something else to do to keep my mind busy.

So I finally started working out.

Pfffftttt!  Just kidding!!

I definitely did not start working out.  I still feel that working out is completely over-rated.   And I'm still convinced that one day scientists will come out with a report that will prove what I've been saying for years......that working out more than once a month is super bad for your health.

So instead, I binged watched several TV series on Netflix. That was fun.  Scandal was my first favourite.  Nothing like a strong female conquering life's problems in a white suit and super high heels all while sleeping with the President of the United States.  

I can barely make my own bed every morning.

Then there's Orange is the New Black - another fave.  While watching this show, I often wondered how I would survive prison life.  And then I get an image of me sitting, rocking and crying in a corner while the other more aggressive prisoners taunt me with my eyebrow liner and throw my home-made maxi-pad slippers at my grown-out bleached hair.

I also tried Sons of Anarchy and Dexter but couldn't make it past the first episodes.  These shows were way too graphic and violent for me.  I'm way too delicate of a polish donut to watch such angry shows.

And last but not least, I tried to meditate and summon the wisdom of the universe through calm and quiet prayer.  I actually liked this a lot, and found wonderful youtube clips of Oprah and Deepak's guided-meditations which sent me into a universe of peace, tranquility and silence.  The only thing is that I had to keep hitting pause to take a sip of my red wine or to answer an important text.  They really don't account for those things do they??

Anyway, none of those things brought me as much happiness and joy as sitting at the computer and writing my blog every night.  

So after all of our court nonsense was done, 4 years later (yes! 4 years!) and after the most unbelievable and epic celebratory divorce weekend ever (which I MAY one day share the juicy details with you), I was ready to get back to writing again.

But, where to start? and how?

So much time had past between us....and so much has happened!

Could we possibly pick up from where we left off??

And what if I panic and can't live up to your expectations??

Unfortunately I don't know the answers to those questions.  

But what I do know, is that if you love something so very much, then you just don't give it up.      And I might make mistakes, and I might screw things up, but I will never, ever stop doing what I love.

So with that said, just stay tuned ok?  Cause who knows what this ridiculous girl has up her sleeve.  

Probably a Mars bars.  But I'm saying IN ADDITION to the Mars bar.



Oh brother!!

Here we go again!  ;) 


  1. So glad to have you back little ray of sunshine. Proud of you. You've been through so much in the past four years. Time to move on and shine bright.

    1. I love you Jace! Thank you for being right beside me on this crazy journey xoxoxo

  2. Omg!!!! So excited!!! Can't wait for all your amazing stories!!!! Xoxo ������

    1. Those question marks are kissie faces... Apparently emojis don't work here lol

  3. omg I am so glad your back to it! missed your awesome stories😁


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