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Keep on plugging.

...continued from last entry....

There is one thing in life that I believe everyone needs to have.

Something so great, that if you can't find it, your life will suffer tremendous consequences.  

And something that your mind and heart already KNOW you need to have, even if you are not consciously aware that it is missing.

This "pull" towards that missing link is so strong and vibrates on such a high frequency that if you want it, it has the power to take you on the wildest and most amazing journey as your inner voice searches and searches for what it is looking for.

OR........ if you don't have any idea what "IT" is, "IT" can drive you absolutely mad as you go through life relentlessly trying to seek an answer to a question that you don't even know exists.  

Of course the latter sentence refers to me.

And of course this thing, this "IT", that I am referring to, is PURPOSE.


Shortly after Anthony Qu gave his recommendation for me to step into the coveted sales position within our company, I found myself thrown into a different and exciting world. 

Within a year, I was having business meetings with top company executives, was earning a 6-figure salary, and was travelling around the world.  

It was nothing for me to be meeting with the president of a hugely successful company in Silicone Valley one week and then be checking in to the Fairmont in Banff a few days later in order to sign the paperwork on yet another exclusive pharmaceutical deal.  And in between these business meetings, I was living life to the fullest. Eating the best steaks, drinking the best wines, skiing on the best mountains and (occasionally) smoking the best cigars at the best local jazz bars ;) 

Life was pretty rad.

As you can imagine, Tata was VERY impressed with how far I had come (minus the cigar part).

And even though Tata was nervous with each risky career move I made, and he strongly and very frequently advised me against it, he was happily surprised when the outcome landed me in a better position, with a better company, and with a better salary.  

It's not that Tata didn't believe in me when I was making these decisions, he just didn't want me to ruin a good thing.

He routinely told me to "keep on plugging".....which I believe translated to:  "work hard, make your money and shut up".  In essence, don't rock the boat.

But Tata didn't know about this "thing" that was brewing inside of me.  That thing called Purpose that kept telling me that there was something more out there.  Something else that I needed to do.  

Hell, I didn't even know it was brewing inside of me!?  

But I knew that there was something going on.  

And no amount of steak, wine or money could satisfy it.


The time had finally come for me to hang up my corporate suits and put away my fabulous high-heels.  For my new wardrobe now consisted of over-sized sweaters, maternity jeans and ugly ballet flats.  

I'll give you a moment to imagine how much sexier I must have looked at my new career.  

Oh wait...... I almost forgot to mention that my tops were always covered in baby spit-up, my hair was never washed, and my eyebrows were always crooked.  

And don't laugh!  You try drawing eyebrows on while holding a screaming 6 month old!  

Anyway, I did not look my best during those years, but that being said, I was now the proud and happy mom to 2 gorgeous little girls, Lola and Molly :)  And these dolls brought me a whole new meaning to life.  Everyday brought new adventures, new laughs and new changes.

I thought my life was finally complete.

And the years passed by..... and the girls grew out of their baby phase, that flame inside of me somehow re-ignited.  

NOW it was starting to bug me.

So .....I did what I NEVER did before.

And I shut up.

I stopped talking, I stopped analyzing, and I stopped thinking.

And I listened to my soul.

And the CRAZIEST thing happened.

My inner voice actually spoke up.

"Well, well, well!!  Nice to meet ya!!  Where the hell have you been this whole time?  And what the F are you gonna do with your life??"

GASP!!!!! be continued.  AGAIN!!  ;)


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