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Love your transitions.

You all know my struggle with working out right?  

My struggle being that I don't want to work out.

I will pretty much do anything to stay out of a gym environment, similar to a cat who refuses to take a bath.  

But for some reason, I always look forward to my next yoga class.  I go at least twice a week and I'm starting to get pretty good at it!  I can almost do a headstand!

And my flexibility and strength have remarkably improved! 

But as with any exercise, there will always be challenges.  And new things to learn.  And you may just get yourself into a compromising position that you don't know how to get out of.

Just recently my yoga teacher said something to the class while I was struggling trying to get into triangle pose.  

My legs were shaking, my hands were sweating and I just couldn't seem to get the position right.  I just wanted to get into the pose and stop struggling.

I was getting very frustrated.

My yoga teacher must have felt my frustration, because she calmly said, 

"Sometimes we rush to get to the next phase, and we forget to live in the moment.  Try to just love your transitions."


Why have I never thought of that before?

What a simple, yet glorious concept.

Love your transitions.  

How perfect was that?

It made SO much sense! 

Not just with yoga....but with MY LIFE!  

If I think back over the years, I have always been focused on my future.  Looking for the end result.  Waiting for a time when things would be easier, effortless, painless, and simple.

What I failed to realize is that the path that was getting me to my end result was a part of my life, and a part of my journey.  

And who knows if things would ever be easier or simpler?

What I needed to realize was that every transition I went through was helping to create the new me.  A better me.  A stronger me.

Realizing this made me so happy.

Suddenly I was open to a whole new way of thinking.  

That everything I was going through, at any given moment in my life, good or bad, was helping shape the person I needed to become.  And without those difficult and challenging transitions, I probably wouldn't change.  And I definitely wouldn't grow.

Everything was happening for a reason.  And instead of being frustrated, and hating the process, why not just give in to it?  

After all, it was a rite of passage, wasn't it?  Who knows what amazing things life has in store for you once you get through the tough times.

Suddenly I had a huge appreciation for the transitions in my life and what they were actually doing for me. 

And I was grateful.

Suddenly I felt very strong.  Like I could do anything.  

And I relaxed my muscles, took a deep breath, and finally got into that triangle pose.

Realizing that my path would eventually get me to where I needed to be, it gave me the peace of mind to just relax and let go.  And even though the struggles are real, and difficult, and the tunnels may be long and dark......there's always a light at the end.  

So why stress and get frustrated over the process?  

Why not try to enjoy it?

And in the words of Ferris Bueller, 

"Life moves pretty fast.  If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it".

Anyway, that's what my yoga teacher taught me the other day :)

I have to go now.  

I'm off to yet another yoga class.

I need to go and meditate.


You're still here??

It's over.

Go home. 


This blog is dedicated to Marcy Barbaro.  Thank you for everything.  But mostly, for teaching me to love my transitions :)  I will miss you xo


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