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Take back your suit.

For 2 years, I have been fighting.   

I have been fighting for justice in a lengthy court battle that by now should have made me fall apart.

But it has been 24 months.....and somehow, I have not fallen apart, even though I continue to be challenged nonstop.

Just recently someone heard of all the nonsense that I am still dealing with daily and she said, "And you're STILL smiling and laughing??"

It made me stop and think.  Yeah!?  How the HELL am I still smiling and laughing??

Now, don’t get me wrong, it was not always like this.  When I first got separated, I didn’t know if I would ever smile again.  I had no clue why my life had gone down the path that it did and I couldn’t seem to shake the feeling of devastation, pity and sadness.  Remember when I blogged about that dark room 2 years ago?  Well,  I was living in after day after day.  I couldn’t smile, I couldn’t laugh and I was overcome with fear.  I also became very worried that I had lost my Leo-spark forever.   The only thing that gave me some sort of happiness and desire to go forward during that dark period of my life were my daughters........and watching IRON MAN.  I watched it over...and over....and over again.  For some reason, watching a sexy man blow things up made me feel better about my life.  

Now you’d think by now I would have finally got some resolution in court.   

Well, I haven’t.   

And if you are in a battle like me,  then you have 2 choices.  You either give up and give the other party everything that they want (which is TOTALLY unfair), or you keep fighting for justice.  

 I refuse to give up.  And I also refuse to let this fight take over my spirit.

I remember the moment I made this very poignant decision in my life.    

I was in the middle of watching IRON MAN 2.  Of course I was.  Tony Stark was in court and the government wanted him to give up his Iron Man suit.  He said "Well, you can't have it!" and then blew a kiss to the politicians.

I turned off the TV and sat in silence.  

A year and a half of feeling sad and feeling sorry for myself was enough.  


It was time to take my suit back and not let this fiasco get the better of me.

And with that conscious decision, I took back my life.  And I started laughing again.  I laughed with my girls. I laughed with my sister and Mama.  And I laughed with my friends. 

And with each laugh, and each smile and each positive thought, more came my way.

I suddenly remembered what it felt like to be happy again.  And it felt good. 

And with my happiness, my power returned.

I had definitely noticed the positive change in myself  but it seems that everyone else noticed it more.  For the past few months, not a day had gone by without someone commenting on my strength and my happy demeanor.

I am writing this blog today not for myself, but for everyone who is going through a very difficult divorce.

Do not lose your spirit.

Do not let them walk all over you.

Stand your ground and be strong.

If you are worried about your reputation or what your ex is saying about you...... don't.  Smart people will figure things out.  Goodness always shines through.  

Make a conscious decision to smile, lift your head up high, and live positively and truthfully.  

And don't.........I repeat........DON'T.....let anyone take away your suit.

Cause that shits YOURS!!!

And for anyone trying to take it from you...........Tony Stark has something for you.......

MUAH! ;)


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