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Now that's service!

You may not know this about me, but I am very particular about my van.  I am quite proud of it, and I like to keep it super clean and tidy.  Everything has its place coins, the kid's DVD's, my MAC lipsticks (red and nude), extra snacks, water bottles, 5 pairs of sunglasses, and Polish eucalyptus candies.

I also have stowed away in the back several cleaning products.  Glass wipes, tire wipes, shine wipes,  ultra-shine wipes and baby wipes.......for the delicate and hard to reach areas of course.

After my car has been through the car wash, and I have painstakingly detailed the entire interior myself....I walk around my van smiling with my arms crossed and wash cloth thrown over my shoulder.  I wink at people as they walk or drive by so that they know that this sweet ride belongs to me.

Knowing all this, it should come as no surprise to you then, that I always have my gas topped up, and my oil changes up to date.

A few months ago, I took my van in for its regular oil change.  As always, I had a million and one things to do, and was very pressed for time.  So I decided to try an oil-change drive thru. 

I had never been before so I was curious as to how long it would actually take.   I made sure to grab a magazine and a large coffee because I was convinced that this would take much longer than their advertised "9 minutes or less".  Pfffftt!  Ya right.

As I pulled up to the building, there was a sign that directed me to drive around to the back.  Hmmm.... this was a little sketchy.   Perhaps their plan is to drug me for several hours and then when I wake up, it'll seem like the oil change was only 9 minutes.....?  I figured this probably highly unlikely though, so I proceeded.

As I pulled the van around the back, the garage doors to the drive-thru immediately started opening.  And as they did.......... I was surprised at what I saw.

I saw 6 handsome young men dressed in coveralls all standing and waiting for me to pull through.

Good God! 

What is happening here?

This was very unexpected.  I expected old, overweight mechanics covered in oil stains.  This was far from it! 

I suddenly became very self-conscious.  In a panic, I changed the stereo from Ricky Martin to Guns N Roses.  And then I quickly glanced at myself in the rear-view mirror.  If there was time, I'd re-apply my lips.....but I feel like that would be a little too obvious now .....and possibly a little too sexual....?

I pulled the car into the garage while one of the guys motioned for me to keep coming closer.  After he motioned for me to stop, one of the other young men ran to open the door for me.

"Hello Miss.  How are you today?"

He offered his hand to help me out of the vehicle and then took my keys.

"Umm....I'm fine...thank you"

And then suddenly I felt my inner charm come out.  I flicked my bangs out of my face and in one smooth move pulled off my sunglasses and threw my purse over my shoulder.  I walked away from the van and felt my flowy skirt swoosh from side to side.  It was all so the oil-change drive thru.

Just so you know, "Charming Leo" only comes out once in a while.  I never know when she's going to make an appearance, so it's always a nice surprise.  Some days everything goes off without a hitch, and I'm super sexy and romantic.  But most days I end up walking into a car just as a handsome man says hello to me.  I'm very often a complete disaster.

Anyway, back to the oil change.  I waited off to the side while my van was being serviced.  I pretended to look at my magazine but was sneaking peaks at the cute guys tending to my car. 

I couldn't help my mind from drifting.......

The large garage doors slammed shut.  A spotlight suddenly beamed onto my navy blue Dodge Caravan.  Six gorgeous men in tight white shirts, black pants and leather jackets all jumped onto the hood of the car.  And before you know it, a young and sexy John Travolta runs out and starts singing Greased Lightning.  I then waltz in all sexy with my big poufy platinum hair, super tight leather pants, 5 inch platform sandals and whisper...."tell me about it, stud".......

"Ma'am??  Ma'am??  Your van is ready."

My body jolted back to reality and I cleared my throat.

"(ahem!) Yup! Yes!!  I'm here!"  Oh brother.  Disaster Leo has returned.

The cute man at the counter looks at me for what seems like an eternity and smiles.  He probably thinks I'm a complete moron.

"That'll be $33.50"

I hand him the money and he says,

"I hope we'll see you again."

I grab the receipt and he walks me to my car.

I think to'll see me again Mr.Greased Lightning......

The men are back in their 6-person line-up and saying good-bye as I get into my car and drive away.   

Whoever thought of this oil-change drive thru is a genius.  

And also a woman.


A week later my friends and I go out for dinner and then dancing.  It was a stressful week for all of us and we just needed to unwind and have a little fun. 

We were dancing in our usual circle when I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I thought it was my friend bringing our drinks back from the bar, so I turned around mid-dance.  I was thrown off when I came face to face with a very cute guy.  I knew him from somewhere.....but I couldn't place him.

"You don't remember me, do you?"  he said, obviously noting the confusion on my face.

I smiled but scrunched up my face and shook my head no.

He said "I remember YOU."

And then suddenly it hit me. 

"Oh!  You're the guy from the Oil Change place!  You gave me my receipt!"

He started laughing.  "Well, I actually own the place" and then he paused for a second, "You know...... you created quite a stir when you came by last week".

"Me??"  I acted surprised.

I wasn't really surprised though.   Charming Leo is really quite fabulous.

"Can I get you a drink?  Red wine?"

I smiled and nodded.

I checked him out as he walked to the bar.   

And all I could think of was how happy I was that I tried that oil-change drive thru. 

I just really can't beat that kind of customer service ;)

For more hilarious clubbing adventures, check out:

I bet you look good on the dancefloor



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