Notebook? check!
Writing utensils? check!
Snacks? check!
More snacks? check!
Ok! Perfect! All ready for school!
I gathered everything up, walked up the short flight of stairs to my office and threw everything on my desk.
Yes, you heard correctly. I said "my" desk.
I..........ladies and gentlemen..........went back to school.
I'll pause for a moment while you get your gasps out.
...........'re probably done. I'll continue now.
After a year of having no luck in securing a job, I decided, back in June, to take an online course. I figured that this was the best way to become more employable in a world that has literally, thousands of people applying for every one position.
Signing up for this course was the best....and worst decision I've ever made.
As if I didn't have enough going on with my life, I decided to add yet another challenge to my plate! Sure! Why not?! Pffftt!! :/
At first I was very excited. I went down to the college and eagerly stood in line with a slew of 20-year olds. I watched how they stood there like zombies, glued to their phones. They all looked so unhappy and boring. I obviously didn't want to stand out in my new setting, so I casually took out my phone, took my cute Gwen Stefani ponytail out, messed up my hair, turned my smile upside down and started texting people. And then to blend in even more, I looked at the girl next to me and said "I'm sooo over this line-up."
She looked up from her phone and said "I know right??"
Excellent. My first college friend. Things are going just as planned.
It took me a while to register, but after all was done, I was BACK IN SCHOOL!
As I drove home with my registration papers, I reminisced about the last time I took a course. I had to delve deep into my memories...... it was a LONG time ago. But soon thoughts of biology and chemistry classes at my Alma Mater bounced around in my head. I got a teeny bit nervous as I thought of how stressful the exams were. But I quickly put that thought aside. I ace'd university....and I was gonna ace this simple little course.
3 days later I received my textbook in the mail. I excitedly signed the Fedex tablet while announcing to the driver "This must be my textbook! I'm taking an online class! I haven't been in school, for like, 20 years! Crazy eh??"
He looked at me with a blank stare. "Yeah. Crazy". And he walked away.
I ran inside and ripped open the package. I pulled out the most gigantic textbook ever.
I was flipping through the 600 pages over a glass of wine that night when I got a text message from my BFF.
I still can't believe you're taking a class. I'm so proud of you babe! Good luck studying tonight! xo
And one by one, family members and friends all sent messages and emails saying how proud they were of me. And how they couldn't believe I was back in school after all these years.
I suddenly started getting really stressed out. Why was everyone making such a big deal about this? Should I be worried?
And then my nerves REALLY set in.
What if I didn't pass? What if I blanked during the final? When would I find time to study? Would I have to miss episodes of Bachelor Paradise for this?? Oh brother...I'd better not!
But even though I had doubts, I knew I just had to do it. There was no turning back now.
And then I started doing the calculations that every student in university does halfway through their course.....
If I average 70% on the assignments, then I'll only need a 60% on the final to pass. Ok....I think I can do that......
The night before each assignment was due, my girlfriends sent me "support" texts:
How's the studying going?
Don't worry, you'll do great!
I'm going to the liquor store, do you need wine?
Honestly, what would a girl do without her besties?
There were 4 assignments in total, so every 3 weeks one was due. I'd put the girls to bed, and then go straight to my laptop where I'd work for hours and hours until everything was completed and submitted.
It is now September 2nd, and exactly 3 months since I first registered for my class.....and since I first met my new best friend in college. Who, by the way, never texted me? I'm sooooo over her.
Anyway, I'm almost ready for my final exam. Turns out I scored just a tad higher than what I had originally hoped for.......
And once I finish this exam, I don't think I will EVER take another course again because I am sooooo over school!
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