Top 20 New Years Resolutions for 2015! Enjoy :) 1. Wear less red lipstick. 2. Don't swear as much. 3. Don't listen to Guns N Roses as if they just released new music yesterday. 4. Stop wearing track suits and UGGs like....everyday. 5. Do not eat Nutella from the jar anymore (Even though it is THE most delicious jar/spoon snack in the entire universe). 6. Start working out. 7. And stop calling the walk from the car to the mall a "workout". 8. Try a more delicate laugh. One that is less like a hyena or donkey and more like a sweet, little chickadee. 9. When nervous, do not bite nails. Instead, try a yoga inversion pose in which you hang upside down at your waist. Even if you are in a public place. People won't judge. I'm almost sure of it. 10. Read books that are not only found in the TEEN section of the library. 11. Watch the news. And not just the Life ...