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But first....let me take a selfie.

As most parents can understand, when you have children, your home suddenly becomes a disaster zone.  

It starts off filled with playpens, high-chairs, boxes of diapers, swingy-chair thingys, and any other massive space-taker that comes along with having a baby in your home.

But as the years go on, and the large baby items make their way to the local donation centre, then your home becomes inundated with toys, books, electronics and random "stuff".  In my case, pink and purple stuff.

Because I find myself so busy tidying up this stuff, in addition to the million other things I need to be doing every week (such as writing my fabulous blog), I find that the things I used to get to around my house are being completely ignored.  Things like sweeping, vaccumming, putting laundry away and organizing are all going out the window.  Come to think of it......I WISH that the dust and dirt from the floors was going out the window...that would make life soooo much easier!

Anyway, as I was getting the girls ready for their weekend with their dad last Friday, I started thinking about what I needed to do around the house in order to make it beautiful again.  

I was going to spend ALL weekend cleaning my home.  It was going to look so amazing after I was done with it!  It was going to sparkle!  Like Queen Elsa's ice palace!  

I definitely was going to need the ENTIRE weekend to complete this assignment.  No slacking would be allowed.  I would have to stay focused and diligent if this house was going to get super clean again.

Ok.....soooooo.......I ended up going out with Mandy on Friday instead.

Just for a small glass of wine.  

Don't judge.

It was a long week.


But Saturday morning I woke up ready and raring to go!  

But first.....a delicious home-made pancake breakfast.  One cannot clean and work on an empty stomach!  That's preposterous!!  

I'll just sit down, have a nice breakfast, fill my belly with yummy food and then get straight to work.  I'll just turn on the TV.  Just for a minute.  Perhaps an interesting documentary is on.....or maybe I'll just watch CNN for a bit and get caught up on what's going on with the world.


Back to the Future is on!!  I haven't watched this movie in FOREVER! 

Ok.....I'll just watch this movie, and then get straight to work!  This house will be clean before you know it!

After 2 hours of watching one of the greatest movies of all time, I finally started working on the house.

But instead of cleaning, I realized that my Christmas decorations were only sub-par.  

I needed this place to look like a winter wonderland!  

I went down to the basement and pulled out the remaining 4 tupperware containers of decorations and got right to work.  I created a snowglobe table, added way more ornaments to the tree, moved the 'not-so-attractive' home-made gingerbread house to a glass cake dish....which improved it's overall appearance tremendously, and then I decorated the whole mantle with stockings, lights and a gorgeous silver ball wreath.  


Then I went outside and added more lights to the only tree I have in front of our small townhome.  I hit myself several times in the head trying to whip the light string around the tall tree....and I also got spruce stuck under my nail.  But one must suffer for a beautiful Christmas home.

By the time I finished, I was exhausted.  I fell onto the couch and within seconds was asleep.

 An hour later, I was awoken by the sound of my cellphone.

It was Amy.

"Babe!  Come over!  A bunch of us are hanging out tonight!"

I knew I shouldn't.  There was soooo much cleaning to be done.  And I just made it worse by bringing up all those tupperware bins.  Now, in addition, to the REGULAR cleaning, I had Christmas decorations cleaning!!

But I really wanna go!  It'll be fun!  

NO LEO!  You need to stay home.  You need to clean!

Yes... I've made up my mind.  I will stay home and clean.  That's the right thing to do.

Don't say a word!

I don't wanna hear about it.

It's ok.  I still have Sunday.  

I will clean ALL DAY Sunday. 

After church.

And then after I walk Bruce Lee.

And then after I snuggle with Bruce Lee.  

Dogs need snuggles too!

 It's 5pm on Sunday now.

The girls are coming home in a few hours.

I can't spend my last few hours without the girls cleaning?!  I'll be sooo tired when they come home!  I need to relax for a bit. 

Let's see if there are any good movies on.....

Eeeeek!  The Holiday!   

Jude Law looks utterly delicious in this movie.  

I'll just put my feet up and relax until the girls come home........


The girls have finally arrived.  They run into the house and give me the biggest and most gigantic hugs and kisses ever!

They run into the house and immediately freak out over all the new decorations.  They love the tree, the mantle, the snowglobe table and the new pedestal for our ugly gingerbread house.

Under the tree they find all of their old Christmas books which I laid out, and they excitedly go through each of by one.

I look at them with a feeling of contentment and peace.

Even though I didn't do what I had intended on doing all weekend, I am a Mommy who is relaxed and happy.  

A Mommy who spent her weekend enjoying life and laughing with the people (and animals) she loves, rather than spending them cleaning.

A Mommy who knows that sometimes you just need to give yourself a break, and not worry about whether the laundry is put away or whether the floors are shiny.

And a Mommy........who was slightly out of breath .......because she spent the last 1/2 hour of her alone time doing EVERYTHING she should've done over the last 3 days!

HERE HERE to being a Mom :)



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