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When is too much...really too much??

So by now you've read enough of my blog to know that I don't really hold anything back.  My life is an open book.  I am very emotional and "EVERYTHING affects me"  as my husband would say. 
"sigh......why can't you spend all day at the beach honey??"  he asks in a monotone voice with his eyes already rolled back into his head.
"BABY!!  you know why!!!!  you know I can't be exposed to the sun and wind all day!!!!"
I always communicate my thoughts and feelings about my day to all those close to me.  If I had a good'll know about it.  If my child didn't'll know about it.  If I forgot to draw on my'll know about'll also see that I have no eyebrows that day....sooooo....bad example. husband tells me on a regular basis that I don't REALLY need to express my feelings ALL the time.  But I disagree.  I think.....he...of all people....should know what is going on with me at all times.  We signed a contract.  It's his duty to listen to me.  And when things are good....he should hug and kiss me and say "oh baby...I'm sooo happy for you!!!"  and when I talk about someone who has wronged me he should furrow his brows and say "the NERVE!!!".
But.....when is too much....really too much???
I mean.....when does saying too much draw the line??
Does it become borderline "awkward" when you say EVERYTHING that's on your mind??? this day.....I will forever regret the moment I gasped out loud when a friend told me her child was born on September 11th.  And then I continued to make it worse by explaining how we shouldn't hold that horrible memory to that one day....and that your child and every other child born on that day will bring "happy" thoughts to a day that was not so happy...yadda yadda get my point.  It was awful.  
Or the time I told my older cousin that the reason she couldn't come to my new condo with her children was because "well.....ya are...messy....soooooo......yeahhhh......."
Or when I repeated over and over to a woman I just met......that "there's no way you could be 50???  50???  c'mon??  no way!!!  seriously????"  I was trying to give her a compliment because she looked so good and so young....but did I have to repeat it 200 times????
So I guess the answer is yes.  It can get awkward.  It does.  Often.  My husband has rolled his eyes at me...many, many, MANY times.  And my friends laugh at a girl who is so honestly silly that she doesn't even realize what she's saying half the time!
But I can go to bed knowing that I am who I am.  Which is a good person who maybe says a little too much.  But I am NEVER fake (except for the fake hair, makeup, nails, and tanned skin).  And I love the people who accept me for being me.......and for the rest of you.....I have a whole other blog for you entitled "My parents didn't hug me enough."

KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!  lol :)


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