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Magic Mike

I'm assuming that most of you who read my blog are women.  Correct??  

Well.....then I don't have to even explain my blog-post subject title.
By now you are already getting all hot and bothered thinking of those ridiculously beautiful men gyrating up on stage.  

Matthew and Channing have changed the way we expect girls nights to be......they have changed the way we think LIFE should be!


I went with a group of girlfriends to see this much-anticipated movie.  All of us ready for these men to "perform".

And let me tell you my friends.....they did not disappoint ;)

I left that movie theatre in a daze. Giddy and silly.....and feeling like I needed a cigarette.

I got a drive home with 2 of my friends after the show.  Thank goodness because I don't think I could have driven home after that much visual stimulation! 

The 3 of us climbed into my friend's car, but as with most 'mommy-mobiles', the back seat was clamoured with car seats.  So unfortunately for our 3rd friend, because of her small stature, she was forced into one of the baby seats.  I would say I felt bad, but situations like this just instigate a series of jokes that end up making me laugh hysterically. 

As we were making fun of our little blonde friend, the driver suddenly noticed cops up ahead and yelled "Shoot!!  Amy!!!  Cops!!  Duck!!!"

"Duck!?  Duck where?? I'm a grown woman in a BABY SEAT!"  Amy yelled back.

But somehow Amy managed to scrunch up her body into a tiny little ball and we all gained our composure.

We drove past the cops slightly nervous.  But nothing happened.  

I mean....nothing!  

Not only did we not get in trouble....or even get pulled over..........but the cops didn't start stripping?

I'm not even joking when I say that I was half expecting the traffic to stop......street lights to suddenly flood the start pumping...

"it's raining MEN .....Hallelujah...." 

and for the cops to announce....

"Ladies....This is a stick-up!"  

At this point, we'd all jump out of our cars, start screaming..... and then the real fun would begin!  

But alas.  None of this happened.  

The cops just stood at the side....waved us by...donuts in hand. 

It was at this point that Amy finally whispered, "Can I get up now??  I'm really hurting back here..."


It's amazing how INSANE women have gone over this movie.  Next to Channing, I think the only other person to achieve such chaos in women is Oprah. 

We went to see this film after it was already in the theatres for 2 weeks aand there was STILL an hour line-up outside.  And once the theatre doors opened, women trampled over each other trying to get the perfect spot to see Matthew McConaughey's ripped abs and Channing Tatum's ridiculous body and insanely sexy dance moves.

Girls nights are the best....but throw in a movie like MAGIC MIKE...and you have the ultimate girls experience.  Dinner, drinks, gossip, tons of laughs.....and beautiful men to look at.  I mean....c'mon!?  This is right on par with my plan of one day owning a bar where the servers are gorgeous, ripped men who only wear thongs and bow ties.  Am I right ladies??  By the way, I have dibs on this idea so don't even think of stealing it >:(

So right now, we have millions of women across America who are entranced by these drop-dead gorgeous males.  Doing exactly what every woman in the world wants them to be doing...........dancing as if only for YOU .......making you feel like the queen of the castle ....and looking hella-sexy the whole time!

So, on behalf of all women in America we thank you Channing Tatum and Steven Soderbergh, for putting out a movie that should have been made DECADES ago!  

And not sure if it's a rumour or not, but Channing apparently has already agreed to do the sequel.  Amen and Hallelujah!!

For if it's raining men.....I'll always be there...... in the front row catching them ;)


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