I have not written in months....maybe a year.....I have completely lost track of time. There's actually NO time to do anything. I am sitting in here ugly sweats......my daughter's snot all over my shirt.......and wondering how to approach this day.
I have been a bit of a mess lately. I look like a mess. I feel like a mess. I just AM a mess. Hey...I'm like Little Miss Messy....I read that book with my daughter last night!!!!! I digress. Ok.....so why am I mess you ask??? Well......I feel like I just can't get my s--t together! I feel like my house and kids are controlling me and not the other way around. And if you're a mom...you know what I'm talking about. But like most moms....you suck it up...drink more coffee.....and keep on truckin' (or as my late dad would say "keep on plugging!!!") But I can't!!!!! I'm drained and I'm exhausted. I look around the house and sooo much needs to be done....
I need to be inspired. I need someone to kick my ass. You know how people get writer's block??? I have.....Mommy's block!!!!!!
I got my hair done last week. Cute little blonde shag (you know me and my blonde!!). But it is currently un-washed....un-kept....and pinned back away from my face. All wrinkles exposed to the world. I couldn't be bothered.
So how are we supposed to stay motivated day after day???
I called my best friend last night....explain my dilemma between commercials of The Bachelorette
"BABE!" she would say in a very asssertive way "I KNOW!!! I feel the SAME way!!!! How do women do this?????"
We both take a sip of our wine.....she is drinking at her house...I...at mine.
"This is pure INSANITY!!" she continues. "Dammit!!!" she lowers her voice to a whisper "urgh....HE'S still awake!!" HE is her 3 and a 1/2 year old. "Honestly....the hubby can deal with him!!!! I'm done!!!!"
We both take another sip.
We decide to end our sob-fest and re-group in the morning with new ways to look and feel like the ultimate supermom.
I head outside to my garden oasis. I have the most beautiful backyard. I sit in my gazebo.....looking at all the stunning plants and trees around me. I think...in 5 years....I will be completely surrounded with all this greenery. I stop and listen to my waterfall. The most serene sound. And suddenly I am lost. I feel like it will all be ok. I take a couple deep breaths and laugh out loud at everything my toddler said today "Mommy!!! why do you have short hair now??? I don't like it. It should be long and beautiful!!!" pffttt!!!!! nice!!! The one thing I do take solace in, is knowing that every mom out there is doing the exact same thing as me..........and having friends that will laugh and cry with me.....not at my jokes....but at how I look that day!!!!!!!
I have been a bit of a mess lately. I look like a mess. I feel like a mess. I just AM a mess. Hey...I'm like Little Miss Messy....I read that book with my daughter last night!!!!! I digress. Ok.....so why am I mess you ask??? Well......I feel like I just can't get my s--t together! I feel like my house and kids are controlling me and not the other way around. And if you're a mom...you know what I'm talking about. But like most moms....you suck it up...drink more coffee.....and keep on truckin' (or as my late dad would say "keep on plugging!!!") But I can't!!!!! I'm drained and I'm exhausted. I look around the house and sooo much needs to be done....
I need to be inspired. I need someone to kick my ass. You know how people get writer's block??? I have.....Mommy's block!!!!!!
I got my hair done last week. Cute little blonde shag (you know me and my blonde!!). But it is currently un-washed....un-kept....and pinned back away from my face. All wrinkles exposed to the world. I couldn't be bothered.
So how are we supposed to stay motivated day after day???
I called my best friend last night....explain my dilemma between commercials of The Bachelorette
"BABE!" she would say in a very asssertive way "I KNOW!!! I feel the SAME way!!!! How do women do this?????"
We both take a sip of our wine.....she is drinking at her house...I...at mine.
"This is pure INSANITY!!" she continues. "Dammit!!!" she lowers her voice to a whisper "urgh....HE'S still awake!!" HE is her 3 and a 1/2 year old. "Honestly....the hubby can deal with him!!!! I'm done!!!!"
We both take another sip.
We decide to end our sob-fest and re-group in the morning with new ways to look and feel like the ultimate supermom.
I head outside to my garden oasis. I have the most beautiful backyard. I sit in my gazebo.....looking at all the stunning plants and trees around me. I think...in 5 years....I will be completely surrounded with all this greenery. I stop and listen to my waterfall. The most serene sound. And suddenly I am lost. I feel like it will all be ok. I take a couple deep breaths and laugh out loud at everything my toddler said today "Mommy!!! why do you have short hair now??? I don't like it. It should be long and beautiful!!!" pffttt!!!!! nice!!! The one thing I do take solace in, is knowing that every mom out there is doing the exact same thing as me..........and having friends that will laugh and cry with me.....not at my jokes....but at how I look that day!!!!!!!
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