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Molly Mommy date night!

As a single mom to 2 young girls, it is very important for me to be able to spend quality alone time with each child.  

Now, don't get me wrong, I believe in family time also, and very often the girls and I sing that we're the "three best friends that anyone could have".   BUT there is nothing quite like bonding with your child all by him or herself and really getting to know who that little person is without any other siblings, friends or distractions.

As a single mom, you can imagine how difficult it is to get that alone time with just one child.  I mean..... what do you do with the other kid?? You can't just let them go for a super long walk by themselves......or....leave them at Starbucks for a couple hours.  I mean, everyone knows it takes only 20 minutes to finish a medium-sized caramel macchiato, sometimes less.  What's the kid gonna do with the remaining 2 1/2 hours!??

But nonetheless, as a self-professed super mom (more like Ridiculous Mom!) I will always figure out a way to get that alone time with just the one child.  And whatever I figure out will always be legal!  Yay!!  Go Ridiculous Mom! 

I'll never forget the date night last year in which Molly and I really took our relationship to the next level.

When I asked Molly what she wanted to do, she immediately suggested a stay-in movie night.

Perfect!  I loved that idea!

I then gave Molly the very important choice of which movie we would watch.  She took this job VERY seriously.

She scrolled through Netflix with her tiny little fingers while muttering "hmmmm" every few seconds.

She finally yelled "Mommy!  Have you ever seen "Alice frew da lookin' dlass???"

I hadn't.  And I had actually always wanted to see that movie!!  

Fast forward 2 hours, and I was a balling mess in Molly's arms wailing "He FINALLY got reconnected with his familyyyyyyy!!!  WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!"  

Molly put her little arm around me and said, "It's ok Mommy" and then she giggled quietly ;)

I really couldn't believe how fun date nights were with my 6 year old.  And every chance we got to share this special time together, we took full advantage.  Some nights we'd go out for dinner first, but all of our date nights ended with Molly and I snuggled on the couch watching a movie at home :)

Just a couple weekends ago, Lola (my eldest daughter), was invited to her best friend's house for a sleepover.  Another fun Molly-Mommy date was on the horizon.  I couldn't wait!  It would be perfect!  

Or so I thought.....

That night It was my turn to choose the movie.  I slowly, yet excitedly scrolled through Netflix muttering "hmmmm...." every few seconds.

Suddenly, I found it!!  I yelled, "MOLLY!!!  What about Star Wars????  The Force Awakens???!!"

Molly and I had been dying to watch Star Wars.  I had never been a Star Wars fan growing up, so I thought this was the perfect time for us both to get into the series. 

We started at The Force Awakens rather than at the beginning because Molly was desperate to watch the "one with Ray!!!".

Her eyes widened and she grinned as she ran over to her Barbie bucket and pulled out the Ray doll that my mom had bought her for Christmas.

A short while later, Molly was reenacting all of Ray's moves on my jutted out hip while I happily laid on the couch beside her.

Everything was going great.....UNTIL Molly started asking questions.  

A little thing you should know about Molly is that she talks ALL the time.  She is either explaining things, asking about things or demanding things.  That last one is NOT my favourite.

This time, it was ALL questions:

Molly:  "Mommy, so who is Luke Sky Walker?"

me:  "Ummm......I'm not sure.  But I know they're looking for him."

Molly:  "Who's looking for him??  The bad guys??"

me:  "Ummmm......yes.  I think so.  I think the good guys are looking for him too."

Molly:  "But WHO is Luke Sky Walker??  And is he a JEDI??"

me:   "Uhhhhhhh......."

Suddenly Harrison Ford appears on screen.  

Oh my God!  Harrison Ford!  Yes, I almost forgot about him!!!!  I instantly remembered that he was a huge character in the Star Wars series.

me:  "Molly!!!"  I yell proudly, "THAT is Luke Sky Walker!!!"

Molly:  "Dat guy???"

me:  "Yes!!  I am 100% sure THAT is Luke Sky Walker".

Suddenly, someone calls Harrison Ford  "Hans".  

Oh crap.

me...again:  "Molly.  Sorry.  That is NOT Luke Sky Walker.  THAT is Hans Solo."

Molly:  "Oh.  Who's Hans Solo??? Is HE a Jedi??  And what's a Jedi??  Is Ray a Jedi??  Oh yes...I think Ray is the LAST Jedi.  That's what the kids at school keep saying at recess when we play Star Wars........."

At this point I sighed and slowly walked over to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine. 

Because God only knew that I would not survive this movie without it.

I took a sip hoping the questions would stop, but of course they didn't:

Molly:  (pointing at Darth Vader.....or at least I thought he was.  Either way, he was Hannah's boyfriend from Season 1 of GIRLS.)  "Mommy.  Is dat Darth Vadow??"

me:  "Uhmmmmm.....yes.   But...I think....he's like.....a grandkid of Darth's or something??"

Molly:  "He's Darth Vadow's grandson????  How do you know??"

I slowly put my head in my hands and whispered  "I don't.  I don't f'ing know......"

At one point I thought Ray was Luke Sky Walker in disguise.....THEN I thought Darth Vader was Luke Sky Walker.  Or Darth's grandkid was Luke Sky Walker.  Why was this movie sooooooo confusing!!?????

For the last 15 minutes of the movie Molly had stopped asking me questions.

She could see that I was clearly hopeless and had no clue what the hell I was talking about.

At this point in time, I was resting my head on the kitchen table just waiting for the movie to be over.  I looked up at the TV just in time to see Ray climb the top of the huge mountain and come face to face with a grey-haired man.

Without thinking, I pointed my hand at the TV and blurted out, "Now who the HECK is that????"

Molly rolled her eyes and said, "Mommy!!  THAT'S LUKE SKY WALKER!!!!"

I sighed out loud, drank the last sip of my wine and told Molly to head upstairs for bed.

As Molly skipped happily up the stairs she said "That movie was the BEST!!  I can't wait to watch the next one on our next date night!!!"

And all I could think was.....

May the Force be with me.


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