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Every 7 weeks.....

Do you ever crave change?

Crave it so bad that it's all you can think about?

Well..... I was the living, breathing result of change.

In the last 5 years, there had not been a single day in which my life wasn't changing.  

Looking back over those years, I had gone through almost every major life-changing event that one could possibly go through.  Divorce, a new home, going back to work, a new car, starting dating again, new friendships, new relationships.......the list went on and on.  

Add all of this on top of learning how to be the best possible single mommy I could be to 2 wild and crazy gals, and you've got a woman who pretty much defined the word "change".

But I have to say that there was ONE thing that didn't change. 

One thing that continued to be a consistency in my life year after year.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was my hair.

My long, crazy, mommy-messy, tangled, ridiculous platinum hair.  

It was the one thing that continued to define me...... even during times when I didn't know how to define myself.

So every 7 weeks, I religiously booked my next hair appointment.

And every 7 weeks, my dark roots were bleached white yet again.  

And every 7 weeks, I sat at the salon, for over 3 hours.

And every 7 weeks, as I sat in that salon chair, I thought about ALL of the other things I could be doing. 

For your reading pleasure, let me list them for you.  You're welcome.

I could have been:

1)  cleaning my house (which for some reason was ALWAYS messy)
2)   doing 5 loads of laundry (which for some reason always needed to be done, and for some reason was always 5 loads?)
3)  mowing the lawn (because for some reason grass ALWAYS grew!?)
4)  feeding children (did you know that little people ALWAYS needed to eat!? it's super annoying.)
5)  walking Bruce Lee (with a name like Bruce Lee you'd think my dog would know how to exercise on his own.  But no. He does not.)
6)  paying bills (why.....why are there ALWAYS bills???)

and last but not least, I could have been,

7)  watching NETFLIX!   

But no......instead of doing any of these things which always needed to be done (especially #7), I sat.

I sat, and I sat, and I sat.

I sat in a salon waiting as chemicals penetrated and burned my scalp (because that's when you knew the bleach was really working).

But it seemed ALL worth it when the transformation from Gary Busey to Marilyn Monroe was finally complete, and I stood up from that chair feeling like a God damn rockstar.

But that moment, although utterly fabulous, was fleeting.  As it was a matter of mere seconds before I was back at the front another appointment.....for only 7 weeks away :(

But something came over me as the days approached that next appointment.

The thought of sitting in that chair again for so long drove me crazy!  In fact, it sent me into all american RAGE!!!

And I blurted out to my hair dresser as I sat down in her chair,  "WE'RE GOING BACK TO NATURAL SUSAN!!!!  GET YOUR DARK SWATCHES OUT!!"

Susan, a lovely English woman, whose eyes widened as I yelled hysterically in the salon, said, "Ok darling!  No problem!  Now tell me......what is your natural hair colour???"

I suddenly went quiet.

That was an excellent question.

What the heck was my natural hair colour???

I had been bleaching my hair since my first year of university.  I don't think ANYONE knew what my natural colour was??

But at this point I was so exhausted by just the thought of my hair colour that I just rested my head in my hand and said, "Susan, I have no frickin' idea.  Just do whatever the heck you want!"

Susan worked very hard.

She mixed.  

She blended.  

She applied.  

She washed.

And after 3 long hours, Susan wiped dye off of her forehead with the back of her hand and spun me around in the chair to face the mirror.

She sighed and said, "Whaddya think??"



Later that day, I stared at my new reflection in the mirror.

I said goodbye to the bleach.

I said goodbye to the high maintenance.

And I said goodbye to "every 7 weeks".

And I said hello to a new look, a new vibe....... and a new Ridiculous Girl.



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