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Showing posts from March, 2017

You know......cause I'm sick.

So I wanted to start off this blog by giving someone a round of applause.   A single mom who NEVER puts herself first.  Someone who works a full-time job and then races home (never making ANY pit-stops between work and the house) and then spending the next few hours focused completely on her 2 children until they go to sleep.  Someone who stays up late cutting up stupid vegetables for her kid's school snacks even though all she wants to do is watch re-runs of Sex and the City and drink red wine. Aaaannnnnddd..... someone who recently performed the unthinkable .   She managed to spend every single day of the March Break with her children without once crying, losing her head or throwing a temper tantrum. Only a SAINT could do such a thing. This "someone" that I am referring to is of course :)  (Everyone jumps up and gives a huge round of applause while screaming "YOU'RE THE BEST RIDICULOUS GIRL!!"  and "YOU SET PARENTAL ST...

It's science.

A couple of weeks ago, on a Saturday night, I went to my BFF's for dinner and drinks with her and her husband.  After dinner, we drank wine and laughed and caught up on our busy lives.   My best friend started telling a story when she suddenly abruptly stopped talking.   She said  "oops"  and started laughing. I looked at her with a confused look....and then at her hubby. "What's wrong?"   I asked. "Oh nothing!"  she said,  "Mike just doesn't like when I swear."   "You swore??"   I suddenly realized that I was the only one in the room who wasn't phased by her gratuitous language. I looked over at Mike and asked,  "Why can't she swear??" He answered casually,   "Well, it's not very lady-like.  And I don't find it attractive." I left their house that night feeling very perplexed. 2 days later, I got a text from yet another girlfriend who wrote that for lent she was going to gi...

Your Purpose.

....continued from last entry.  This is the LAST one though!  I PROMISE!  ;) I sat still and completely stunned once I heard the voice.   "Who was that?"  I whispered. I looked slowly to my left......and then to my right.  Nobody was there.   I then cautiously tippy-toed to the kid's playroom where both girls were playing with their barbies.  Other than the kids, no one was there either.  But my "mommy-timing" was perfect as I did catch Lola throwing Molly's barbie out of the barbie corvette just as Molly turned to grab something else.  But I didn't have time to reprimand this action......I was dealing with voices in my head after all. And not the usual ones that tell me it's time for a Mars bar (those ones happen a lot by the way). Anyway, I went back to the kitchen and then I whispered again,  "Hello?  Are you still there??" Nothing. Hmmm. Maybe I day-dreamed it??  I was a new mommy after-all....

Keep on plugging.

...continued from last entry.... There is one thing in life that I believe everyone needs to have. Something so great, that if you can't find it, your life will suffer tremendous consequences.   And s omething that your mind and heart already KNOW you need to have, even if you are not consciously aware that it is missing. This "pull" towards that missing link is so strong and vibrates on such a high frequency that if you want it, it has the power to take you on the wildest and most amazing journey as your inner voice searches and searches for what it is looking for. OR........ if you don't have any idea what "IT" is, "IT" can drive you absolutely mad as you go through life relentlessly trying to seek an answer to a question that you don't even know exists.   Of course the latter sentence refers to me. And of course this thing, this "IT", that I am referring to, is PURPOSE. ---------------------------------------...