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The Edge Walk.

Today's blog is continued from last week. 

So I'll give you time to go back and read last week's blog if you haven't yet.  

Because there's one thing that drives me mental......and it's people that skip my blogs and don't read the prequels.  

That's super lazy.  You don't want to be lazy, do you??

Not to mention, you are going to miss CRITICAL life lessons and facts about me.  

And you're also gonna be that annoying person asking "Wait, who's that??  Why did they go there?  Who's handsome guy?  Why do people call her Ludge?  Why is she afraid of blue pontoons??"  

So please stop being a crazy-pants and read the prequel.....and the rest of my fabulous blog entries.... and save us all that heartache.



Ridiculous Girl xoxo

ps -  Sorry if that was a little harsh.  But it's only cause I love you.  And it'll make you stronger - I promise!

Ok.....if you've finally read last week's blog......then we can continue!! yay!!



I sat on the dock biting my thumbnail and staring out onto the lake for a good 30 seconds, while Handsome Guy sat quietly beside me.  I knew he was watching me the entire time, but I couldn't be distracted or swayed by his good looks and mesmerizing brown eyes so I needed to NOT look at him while I made my decision.

I thought to myself......could I ACTUALLY go up on the CN Tower with this guy??

"Babe.  Don't worry about it.  I'll cancel it"  he said in the kindest voice.

"Wait!  Let me think!"  I said cutting him off.  I suddenly got all sweaty at the thought being over 1,000 feet above ground level.  

I needed some logistics in order to make up my mind.  

"Ok....just tell many people have died doing this CN Tower edge walk?"  I asked nervously.

"Like, this year?"  he asked.

My eyes bulged out of my head and my mouth dropped open as I whipped my head around to look at him.

"I'M KIDDING!!!"  he laughed.

"Oh my God!!"  I said as I punched his arm.  

"Nobody Ludge.  No one has died doing the CN Tower walk."  He continued to laugh under his breath as he waited for my decision.

I didn't know what to do.  

On one hand, I knew that I would probably have a TON of fun doing this with him - maybe we'd even make out at the top of the tower??  I feel like the tour guide would probably hate that.......and us........ but it would be SUPER sexy. 

But on the other hand.....I could die.  


Why was Handsome Guy always challenging me with these life-changing decisions??  

But after one more minute of silence, I finally looked at him, and through clenched teeth and slight apprehension I whispered, "Ok.  Let's do it".

"Really??  You sure??"  he said in the happiest voice.

I looked at him and laughed and said, "No...I'm not sure at all!"

But once again, my gut told me that this was a life moment that I absolutely needed to seize.

I just wish I could seize it at maybe, like, 20 feet above ground level instead :/


On our day of danger (as I like to call it) I was meeting Handsome Guy downtown Toronto.  

He said he needed to arrive a bit earlier than me in order to get things ready.  I didn't really know what that meant, other than the fact that he was making plans for our CN Tower funeral later that day.

But I was happily mistaken.

He had booked a fabulous Airbnb right downtown, and had a bottle of red and 2 wine glasses ready and waiting on the kitchen table as I walked into the condo. 

He dropped my bags on the floor and walked me to the table beside the window.  And as he poured my glass of wine, I finally looked out the window at our view.  And when I did, I gasped!

He laughed and said, "Pretty amazing eh?" and came up behind me and handed me the glass of wine.

For 10 seconds I just stared in awe at the most perfect view of the CN Tower..... which was right outside our window.

And I don't know if it was the CN Tower, or the wine, or my birthday, or Handsome Guy, but I was suddenly on a high.  

And then, as if it couldn't have gotten any better, he kissed me  ;)


Before I knew it, we were being out-fitted in orange jumpsuits and being given instructions on what not to do at the top of the CN Tower.

Handsome Guy said he was nervous but didn't look it.

I, on the other hand, was probably green.  I was worried that I'd miss that one important instruction like "MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT TOUCH THE RED BUTTON ON YOUR ORANGE SUIT.  BECAUSE THAT WILL EJECT YOU FROM THE CN TOWER AND YOU WILL DEFINITELY PLUMMET TO YOUR DEATH".

I looked down at Handsome Guy who was sitting and smiling and watching the instructors yank and grab all the cords and hooks in order to make sure my suit was on perfectly.  

I whispered nervously to Handsome Guy "I have not listened to one single thing they told me.  And I feel like I'm going to throw up.  And I also need to pee".

Handsome Guy started laughing and said "Don't worry, I've been listening to everything".

And then the Australian instructor yelled in my ear "Did I hear you need to pee darlin'?? You'd better go now.  We'll be at the top of the tower for about and hour and a half!"

AN HOUR AND A HALF???  Why do I need to be at the top of the CN Tower for an hour and a half????  What are we gonna do up there??  Read a book???

Nonetheless, I quickly ran to the bathroom in my orange suit.  Only to come back to the whole group who was waiting patiently on the nervous blond girl.

Aussie guy yelled "GREAT!  She's back!!  Ok, let's go to the elevator folks!".

Oh brother.  


We all stepped into the elevator, which lucky for me, had a glass floor.

"Oh my Goddddd"  I whispered as I looked down at the ground which was disappearing before my eyes.  I pressed my body as close to Handsome Guy as I could because I was super nervous.......but also because he's hot.

We finally made it to the top level and then made our way into a very white, laboratory-like room with tons of computer screens.  It kind of looked like a room that Tony Stark would build the next generation of Iron Man that was very cool.  But not cool when they strapped us into our orange suits even tighter and then connected us with several cables to a bar above our heads.

There were cables and ropes sucking me into my suit all over my body, and as I slowly followed everyone out the lab door, Handsome Guy grabbed my butt.

I looked back at him and winked "It looks good eh?" 

"Mmmm, It certainly does" he said with a rumble.

"Well, this is the last thing you'll ever see, you lucky guy! Nice knowing you!!" and I blew him a kiss as I nervously stepped out onto the ledge and looked down. 


Our Australian tour guide was hilarious.  He cracked jokes nonstop and with no fear hung over the CN Tower's edge the entire time he spoke to us.  And then he announced, "Ok folks!  Let's do some activities now!!"

Activities?  I thought.  Like what?  Card games?  Crafts??  It's WAY too windy up here to play Gin Rummy.

"I want everyone to slowly hang forward off of the edge like this!"  and Aussie man put his protective rope across his chest and let go, and hung forward, completely hanging over the edge, as if it was nothing.


I looked back at Handsome Guy and almost cried.

But I'll tell ya ladies and gents....that there's this thing about me.  That even if I'm scared to death to do something, if someone keeps telling me to do it, I'll eventually cave.  Because I'm always afraid to miss out on what could have been the best experience of my life.  Even if it could kill me!

So I slowly, and carefully, and very cautiously tippy-tapped my little toes forward to the edge and after about 5 tries, I finally leaned forward :)  (By the way, watching that part on our EdgeWalk video later that week, had me laughing so hard that I had tears pouring down my face.  It's so embarrassing that I'll probably never show anyone, but I just wanted you to have that ridiculous image in your head.)

Handsome Guy and I had completed all of our activities with honours, and we were quite proud of ourselves.  And then Aussie guy gave us 15 minutes to just walk around and stare at the beautiful surroundings of downtown Toronto and get our photos taken.

As I stood staring out onto the city that I grew up in, I couldn't help but realize how beautiful everything looked.  And even though I tend to be one of those girls that very often has rose-coloured glasses on, you couldn't fake, or over-exagerrate how incredible this moment was.

And I was right.  I knew my 40th would be

And all it took was elevating myself just a little bit......1,168 feet above ground to be exact........and somehow I had found myself on cloud 9  ;)


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