This story is an "oldie... but a goodie" as my Tata would say.
Let's go back in time for a bit, shall we? About 10 years ago....when I was working for a shoecare company.
I did this part-time gig where I would go to high-end shoe stores and teach the staff how to use shoe-care products. Usually the job shifts were early in the morning, before the store opened, so I would very often sleep over at my sister's condo the night before so that I didn't have a long commute the next morning.
As my sister and I were watching The David Letterman show the night of my sleep-over, I found that I finally hit my wall and needed to call it a night.
I announced to my sis that I was ready for bed.
"Ok! Sounds good." Mishi answered. "I'll stay up a little, but I'm hitting the sack soon too."
My sister only had one bedroom at the time, so we had to share a bed.
About 10 minutes later, as I was pulling up my covers, she snuck into the bedroom to grab her book.
I suddenly realized that it had been a long time since we were kids and had to share a bed....
" still don't move much at night do you?" I asked slowly and through gritted teeth.
"No....why?" she answered.
"'s just that....I'm gonna need you to stay on your side, ok?" I nodded my head as I spoke (something I learned while doing sales in order to get the other person to agree with you subconsciously).
"Oh brother Ludge! Don't be dumb." she rolled her eyes.
I continued talking to her as I sat up and began putting cream on my hands (for ultimate overnight moisturizing. Dammit...I wish I brought my over-night moisture-gloves!)
"It's just that, I REALLY need my space", I said making sure the cream was getting between each finger crevice.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Goodnight Ludge"
My sister was about to leave the room when I continued....
"Ummmm.......are you going to be watching TV very late???" I asked nervously.
"Don't worry, I'll turn in down". She said that with a smile but her voice was very aggressive. I was confused by the happy face but angry voice >:(
Nonetheless, I smiled back "Good!" I said happily. "I'll have my earplugs in so I should be ok, but just wanna make sure the volume doesn't go past......4, ok??? Actually, make that 3."
My sister again was about to step out the door, but I caught her just in the nick of time....
"Anddd.......just so you know.......I wear a sleep mask now. So don't get scared if you look over in the middle of the night, ok??"
I grabbed my mask which had the words HOT TONIGHT on one side and NOT TONIGHT on the other, and I gently placed it on my forehead.
My sister again rolled her eyes.
Suddenly I felt very chilly. I wasn't sure if it was the temperature.....or her uncalled-for attitude.
I pulled the covers off of me and felt my toes. They were usual.....but slightly more freezing than normal. "Hey, is your heat on???" I asked "It's like, REALLY cold in here. Could you pass me my socks??" as I pointed to my over-night bag.
My sister marched over to my bag, grabbed my fuzzy pink socks and whipped them aggressively at my head.
"Heyyy!!!" I yelled, "Take is EASSYYY!!!"
I looked at her sideways as I reached for the socks behind my head. Then my sleeping mask fell off which I had to re-position. Sheesh! What a disaster!!
My sister finally left the room.
After a few seconds I said....
"Hey Mish? Do you wear your hair in a ponytail at night??"
My sister yelled from the hallway.
"Oh my God Ludge!! What are you talking about??"
I reached over to grab a bag which was on the nightstand. "It's just throat is I'll probably pop a Polish eucalyptus candy in my mouth before I go to bed. Ya know.....just to soothe my throat while I'm sleeping. I find that REALLY effective."
I un-wrapped one of my favourite candies and threw it in my mouth and smiled.
My sister came barging back into the room.
"Ludge!! That's not safe!!!" her eyes were massive.
"No no! It's fine!" I said re-assuringly. "I only choked once. But that was only like, for a second. But what I'm REALLY worried about, is that the candy might fall out of my mouth while I'm sleeping and possibly get into your hair....."
Now my sister was starting to look a little weird. Her eyes were bugging out of her head again, and she looked very angry. I honestly didn't know what her problem was?
"Please tell me you're joking??" she said in a very loud voice.
I looked up at the ceiling and threw my hands up and laughed. "Yeah! I know right! It happened to me once. Not in my hair! But one morning I woke up, and it was stuck to my forehead! I pulled it off with no trouble. But it DID leave a stain on my head that lasted a few days. But......I'm sure you'll be fine!! It's just that you have really long hair........beautiful hair........and I just don't want anything to happen to it. So maybe you can tie your hair up in a ponytail tonight?? Or maybe a bun? A bun would be best I think."
Suddenly my sister lost it.
And with that, she stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind her.
Jesus. What the heck got into her??
Why was she SO angry?
Her behaviour was beyond inappropriate for night-time.
Everyone knows that you need to be calm at night. That's the ONLY way you'll get to bed in a nice, peaceful way. Otherwise you're just setting yourself up for tossing and turning and night-terrors.
Maybe I should teach her how to go to bed in a relaxed way??
Yes!! That's what I should do!!
I will help my sister be more relaxed at night.
She really needs to just calm down.
And with that, I turned off the light, pulled down my eye mask, stuck my earplugs in my ears, popped another eucalyptus candy, adjusted my fuzzy pink socks, pulled up the covers, turned on my sound machine, rolled over onto my stomache, stuck my hands under my pillow, turned my head to the side, took a deep breath, and went to sleep.
Some people should really learn to just CHILL OUT!!!
Omg so funny