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May 2016

It was my family's favorite time of year.  May 2-4 weekend.  The long weekend that we all packed up and went up north to open up the cottage for the summer.  It was such a beautiful time of year.  The long, cold winter was finally coming to an end and thoughts of swimming, water-skiing and sun-tanning were soon becoming a reality.

My parents built our cottage well before I was even born, and the property was right next door to my Aunt and Uncle's cottage, so my sister and I were lucky enough to grow up in cottage country with all of our cousins.  This was our norm, but in speaking with friends now, we realize how lucky we were to have them right next to us every single summer.  Birthdays, evening bonfires, marshmallow roasting, cottage dance parties, card games, movie nights, cliff name it, we had spent all of it together, year after year.  

Each year, we got a little bit older, but overall, the dynamic was always the same.  

But this year, something for ME had changed.  

A new person was added to the equation.  

And let me tell ya folks.....this particular someone toasted up my marshmallow just a little more than usual.....


It was May 20th and we had finally arrived at the lake.  As soon as we got to the cottage, we made the quick little trek down the hill to our cousin's place.  We stormed in, yelling hi, hands up in the air and one-by-one gave each of our family members a giant hug and kiss.  We were all giddy about yet another fun summer ahead of us.  

As I went through the group, I noticed one of my cousin's friends standing in the back doorway smiling at me.  I had met him a few times before so of course went over to give him a hug.  

"How you doing Ludge?"  he said smoothly.

He called me by my Polish-nickname "Ludge", just like everyone else in the family did.  But somehow it sounded a little different when he said it.....

I giggled and quickly broke free from the hug.  

He stood there smiling at me.  

Shit, I thought to myself.

He was very good-looking.  I remember thinking that when I first met him last year, but had somehow forgotten until this very moment. 

In an attempt to distract myself, I looked over at the cousins and slapped my hands together,  "So, what are we doing tonight guys??  Cards?  Bonfire?? Dance party on the deck??"  I asked them all eagerly.

"I brought fireworks", said the handsome guy.

I'm sure you did....... I thought to myself, I'm sure you did.......


As the sun went down, and the stars came out, we all assembled in our plaid shirts and track pants and got ready to enjoy the evening.  

With a bonfire in the background and music blaring from the deck, the fireworks display had begun.  

Again, I tried to keep myself distracted and away from the handsome guy.    But it was hard.  I was such a sucker for a good-looking guy.  But unfortunately (and I guess fortunately), it was a bit of a lost cause.....because once the fireworks had ended, then the REAL fireworks had begun.

Handsome guy's lingering eyes and flirtatious comments had me blushing and giggling the entire night.

My poor guy cousin (and the oldest in the group) just shook his head uncomfortably, not liking what was happening and knowing that his best friend was taking his "boat" into unchartered territories.  

I wasn't worried though.  

This was just harmless fun.  

Sure, he was cute and I was flattered.  But that was all.

I was very happy being single and knew that this was just a small blip on the radar.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- that blip may have been followed by a bloop and a bleep :/  For a harmless Facebook conversation was initiated shortly after our weekend.  

I mean.... it was just to make sure we both had fun at the cottage. 

That's TOTALLY harmless.  

I'm sure he would write something sooner or later that would be a HUGE red flag and I would bolt.  

That was usually what happened.  



No red flags.  

And he's actually quite smart.  And hilarious.

And he gets my jokes.  Like, ALL of them.  

And he thinks Borat is awesome.

Ok, well, OBVIOUSLY we have to take this "thing" off of Messenger to text.  Just in honour of Borat alone.  

That's the POLITE next thing to do.  You know, just to play this out.

I'm sure this will end in due time. 


Ok, so ....we're going out on a date.

I know, I know!!

But it's just to see if there's any chemistry there.   (Remember...chemistry?  that thing that I absolutely MUST have in a relationship. Surely you've read that blog...?)

Don't worry, I'm SURE there won't be any chemistry.  

Flirting at the cottage in the fresh air, in the water and under the sun in bathing suits is one thing.  Now it's time to take this onto the streets.

This is REAL LIFE now yo!!

There's NO WAY that he'll still be THAT cute....fully clothed. 

I'll just show up fashionably late, have a couple glasses of wine, be my hilarious, chatty self and then be on my way.

I'm sure he'll be totally cocky, totally into himself and won't ask me a single thing about my life.  I can almost guarantee it.

Don't panic guys, I'm the one driving the boat here.  Nothing to worry about.  

I am the captain of my ship.  No unexpected rough waters on this lake!



Sooooo......the date may have been really good.  Like REALLY good.

And we maybe....possibly......kinda..... sorta.....talked and laughed nonstop the entire time.

But STILL, that doesn't mean anything!

Yes, the date was great, but there's still the question of chemistry.  

Sure we got along, and we flirted nonstop.  And we talked about everything under the stars.  

But could this thing between us honestly go to the next level?   

I mean, this WAS my cousin's best friend, and also someone who was ever-so-slightly younger than me, so I had serious doubts that this would go anywhere??

No..... definitely not! 

This was not going to go anywhere.  

I REFUSE to let this ship steer off its course.   

But at the end of the date, as he walked me to my car, I started getting major butterflies in my stomach.

Hmmm.  That's interesting?  But totally normal right?  He was very, very cute after all.

And.... I also couldn't stop giggling.

But again, harmless right?  

I don't think there's anything to worry about.  Do you??  

Noooo....everything was fine.  I was fine. 

I was in complete control of myself.

Well..............until we got to my car and it was time to say goodbye.........  


Now this is the part of the blog where I would normally share with you all of the juicy details of how my date ended.  But I can't.  I'm sorry.  After all, my cousins might be reading this.   And it is imperative that I maintain my reputation as the coolest cousin in the family. 

I also don't want to give my guy cousin (and handsome guy's best friend) a heart attack :)

So I'll do the right thing, and not divulge any of the yummy details .....and I'll just skip over to my drive home after we parted ways.


As the song, "You are my summer" blared on the car radio, I bit my lower lip and giggled.

And all I could think to myself was......


My ship had just went off course.

I did NOT see that one coming...!



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