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Lookin' for something more....

One morning, on a Saturday, I was trying to get my housework done.  But I kept getting interrupted.

First I heard the girls fighting over a fancy dress.  Then over sparkly heels.  Then they fought over the remote.  By the fourth complaint, I couldn't take it anymore.  The screaming, the yelling, the was too much.  It was giving me a headache.  I wanted to scream For the love of God - SHUT UP!!  

But of course I didn't.  There was no point.  I mean, how could they possibly hear me if they were on TV?

Obviously, the girls I speak of are not my sweet little daughters.  

Instead, they are the over-indulged and media-obsessed Kardashian sisters.


Over the years I have gotten into the habit of watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians on the Saturday mornings that I don't have my kids.  I enjoyed having a show on in the background that was completely opposite from my life.  The glitz, the glam and the money were all a fun escape from my mundane reality of vacuuming, dusting and folding laundry.

For some reason I couldn't get enough of the ridiculous and self-absorbed story lines.  Scott and Kourtney's love-hate relationship, Khloe's super rushed marriage to Lamar....followed by a super rushed divorce,  Kendall's rise to fame on the catwalk, Kylie's transformation from teen girl next door to a voluptuous sexpot, and of course....who can forget Kim?  And her tumultous relationship with Reggie.  And Chris.  And now Kanye.

As if this wasn't enough, let's not forget about the drama with Rob's weight, Bruce's transition to a woman, and Kris's obsessions with being the spotlight ....I mean, "momager" of this family.

With this much ridiculousness, it's no wonder that Keeping up with the Kardashian's has just renewed their contract with E! network for a whopping $100 million dollars.  


When I couldn't take the arguing and drama anymore, I put down the mop, marched over to the TV, grabbed my converter and changed the channel.  

And with that, my home was suddenly quiet.  

The drama had disappeared and the noises were gone.

I took a deep breath and my body and mind relaxed, for the first time in over an hour.

As I scrolled through the guide to find another show, I got to thinking.

Watching The Kardashian's was incredibly unhealthy for me.  It was unhealthy for my mind, my body and my soul.  Not only was it was filled with nonsense, drama and negativity, but I realized that the problems were never solved.  No one actually got any resolution.  In fact the issues just perpetuated, but were temporarily band-aided with cold "I love you's" and "I'm so over this's".

I knew their lifestyle was different than mine, but I didn't realize until that moment how different their mindsets were from mine.

I couldn't possibly spend another minute filling my brain with the stress and drama of this show.  God only knew I was still dealing with the stress and drama of my own life.....I didn't need anyone else's.

I needed to watch something that enriched my life.  Something that would add value to it.  Something that was bigger than life itself.

I stopped scrolling when I saw it.   I mean....her.


Suddenly she is taking up my entire television screen and appears to be talking as if only to me.  And her presence immediately fills my whole house.

As she explains her path to success, she reminds the audience (me) that we ALL have the potential for greatness. 

That we all have an energy in us that is connected to God and to the universe.  And if we can tap into that energy......who knows what we are capable of and what success is in store for us.

She says that only divine intervention can explain her "trajectory to success".

And as pictures of Oprah as a young girl are shown while she speaks in her soft, yet confident voice, I am reminded of how difficult this woman's life used to be, and how much she overcame to get to where she was today.  

Not only is this a smart and talented woman, but she is a woman who did not let fame get to her head.  Instead, she let her fame guide her to do more and do better in this world.

I'm realizing that I'm at a point in my life where I need to constantly be enriched.  There is only so much drama I can take.  And this is coming from a girl who is in love with and still completely obsessed with The Bachelor!

I don't think there's anything wrong with a little indulgence.  Like I always say, 'everything in moderation'.  

But at the end of the day, when it comes to choices, and who I'm going to follow as a role model and mentor.....I think I'd rather Keep up with Oprah rather than the Kardashians.


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