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The weather outside is frightful.


October 19, 2014

Ahhhhh.  Fresh crisp air.  Breathe it in!  "MMM....AHHHHHHH......."
What an incredible day.  
Nothing like spending a beautiful fall day at a pumpkin farm!  This is the best.

October 31, 2014

Oh how I love Hallowe'en!  Running around from house to house filling my bag with candy.  
I mean....filling the KID'S bags with candy :)
It's a little bit cold, and rainy.  Kind of wish it wasn't raining.  But that's ok!  Still a gorgeous evening!

November 8, 2014

Off to girls night!  
Hmmm....should I wear a coat?  Nah!  It's not THAT cold.  I'll just run into the restaurant really fast.

Oh shit....that's cold.  
That's ok though!  I'll survive!  I'm a tough cookie. 

November 16, 2014

Santa Claus Parade!  Yayyy!!!
Glad I bundled up.  It's nipply out here.
Still a fabulous evening!  Fireworks, music, Santa!  So much fun!
But damn...... my toes are flippin' cold.
I wish I remembered to bring my hot paws. 
Frig, that's cold.
I wonder how weird it would be to take my boots off and hold my feet against my hot chocolate.....?

November 17, 2014

A snow storm?
But it's only November 17th??
Wow....ok..... that's early.
It does look pretty though.
And our snowman outside is super cute.  Too bad Molly ate the carrot.  
I'm sure this storm was just a one-off.  Back to sunshine tomorrow I'm sure!  This will all be melted in no time :)

November 19, 2014

Snow day!!  No school?  Really?
This is kind of annoying.
Well, I'm sure we won't have ANY more snow days this year.  I will bet you a million dollars!

November 23, 2014

We are all sick.
I have no more kleenex.
I blame the snow day.  

December 24, 2014

Finally!  Christmas is HERE!  Yay!!  Something positive to distract from all this disgusting snow and cold!  I am sooo happy!!!

December 26, 2014

Christmas is over :(  I am sooo sad :(

December 27, 2014

I refuse to let this cold weather bring us down!  We will not be prisoners of our own home!  We will go to Santa's Village and have an incredible time!

Santa's Village is cold.
The horse ride stinks of poop.
We are covered in slush.
We have to pee in out-houses.  My ass gets stuck to the toilet seat.
I have snot-snicles.
I want to go home.

January 5, 2015

Another massive snow storm.
And another snow day.

As for that million dollars....I was TOTALLY kidding :/

January 13, 2015

Hair day!  Ahhh...I always feel better with freshly bleached roots!  
I look soooo fabulous!  I wonder if my hair will stay styled until tomorrow??

The wind and snow flattens my gorgeous 'do the second I leave the salon.
This is where I draw the line.
Nobody messes with Leo's hair! NOBODDYYYYYYY!!!!!

January 29, 2015

I can't see the road!!
Am I even driving on the right side??
Is that a moose?? 
Oh my God....did I just run out of windshield washer fluid??  

February 8, 2015

Another storm.  You can handle this Leo.  Take a deep breath.
It's almost Spring....

February 9, 2015

I slowly walk to my bedroom window at 7am.
"Please don't let there be snow outside....please don't let there be snow outside...."
I look at the end of my driveway which has 2 feet of hard snow piled up from the snowplow that went by earlier.
I walk away quietly with my head down.

"Mommy??  Are you crying??"

February 10, 2014

"Bruce Lee!  Bruce!  Brucie!  Where are you buddy?  Let's go for a walk!!"



I walk into the family room and see Bruce Lee hiding under a blanket.  Only his little nose is poking out.  

And I finally realize that Bruce is the only one who's handling this weather correctly.

So if you need me, I will be hibernating like Bruce until winter is over.

See you in Spring suckers!!


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