Show of many of you absolutely LOVE your body??
Ok....I just realized that I can't see you.
So I'm going to assume that only a few of you actually raised your hands.
If it's more than what I think, then awesome! If it's less than what I think....then....uh-oh :(
My body is far from perfect. Things aren't as perky as they used to be. Things aren't as toned as they used to be. And there are lines where there shouldn't be lines. But heck, 2 children used my body as an apartment for almost 2 whole years of my life, and as we all know, tenants tend to be a little rough with a home that is only temporary to them ;)
Anyway, I'm not talking about the changes your body goes through after this said "residency".....what I am talking about is your body SHAPE.
I am a pear.
At least that's what Cosmo tells me.
If you are a pear like me, then you have a small upper body and a big badonkadonk.
Growing up, I always hated my body.
I was incredibly self-conscious of it. Tall girls weren't supposed to have big butts. They were supposed to be sleek and slender.......all over. At least that's what I thought.
It took me a LONG time to finally accept my pear figure.
And thanks to the bootylicious bods of Kim Kardashian and Nicky Minaj, I'm pleased to say that the butt is BACK!
A couple months ago...
"Lodz! Look at this picture of Kim Kardashian in Paper Magazine. Look at her ass!!? Isn't it crazy!"
I glanced over at my sister's phone and a very glossy and shiny posterior was staring back at me.
"Yowza! That's massive!" I said almost spitting out my coffee.
But even though I was completely shocked at the image, I couldn't stop staring at it.
It was like a car crash.
A HUGE car crash.
A MASSIVE pile up.
"I'm telling you Lodz. This is YOUR year", Mishi said while nodding her head towards her phone.
"What do you mean?" I looked up at my sister confused.
"It's the time for big asses to shine! Like yours! This is YOUR time to shine!".
I took another sip of my coffee, looked down at Kim K and her shiny beast, and I noticed that my quizzical face had quietly turned into a little smirk....
Over the past few years, I have really grown to appreciate my body. Imperfections and all.
I think it's mostly because I have young and impressionable daughters who are watching my every move....and who, for their own sense of confidence, need to hear that Mommy is happy with who she is and how she looks.
I mean, that's what I had growing up. A fabulous Mama who to this day has never once complained about extra weight, or wrinkles, or cellulite. And who is probably the reason why I have a healthy relationship with how I look.
And at the end of the day, it's about how you feel about your body.....not what other people think, right?
Then why did I get a bit of a rush in seeing this crazy Kardashian flaunt her most famous asset?
And like Mishi said, was it really my time to shine? Was it the year of the butt?
I couldn't help but wonder, if you are confident in who you are and how you look, why did we still need that extra boost of approval? That extra sense of security that lets you know that you are accepted.
Isn't it enough to just love yourself?
I'll never forget, about 15 years ago, leaving a club one night with my sister and my cousin. Both girls were tall like me, but super skinny from top to bottom....unlike me.
We ran out of the club laughing and dancing when we suddenly heard a group of guys calling out to us. I felt giddy and happy that they had chosen us to talk to.........until they made a not-so-nice comment about my butt.
My heart sank.
My sister looked at me and said, "Don't listen to those guys. They're idiots."
I knew in my heart that I shouldn't care what those guys thought. But I did. And it felt awful.
I came home that night feeling horrible about my body.
But even worse was knowing that one stupid comment from a stranger had changed my mood and how I felt about myself.
I think at the end of the day, we ALL want approval. We all want to be loved and adored.
But there will always be people who will dislike the way you look.
Sure, I got a rise from Kim K and her perfect booty. But maybe not for the reason I initially thought.
Perhaps I just loved that she loved her body.
And to be able to just put it out there knowing that there would be people who would hate it and make horrible comments.
To love yourself and not care about the haters.......well, that's really something. Especially for a girl.
Because the year of the butt will not last. Next year it might be the year of waif.....or the year of the brunette.
And let's be honest.....God knows that I won't be able to achieve either of those!
So for now, I will revel in the spotlight and enjoy "my year". And for anything that follows, I hope my love for my body will never again be out-weighed by comments from the cheap seats ;)
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