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It's science.

A couple of weeks ago, on a Saturday night, I went to my BFF's for dinner and drinks with her and her husband. 

After dinner, we drank wine and laughed and caught up on life.  

My best friend started telling a story when she suddenly abruptly stopped.  She said "oops" and started laughing.

I looked at her with a confused look....and then at her hubby.

"What's wrong?"  I asked.

"Oh nothing!" she said, "Mike just doesn't like when I swear."  

"You swore??"  I suddenly realized that I was the only one in the room who wasn't phased by her gratuitous language.

I looked over at Mike and asked, "Why can't she swear??"

He answered casually,  "Well, it's not very lady-like.  And I don't find it attractive."

I left their house that night feeling very perplexed.

2 days later, I got a text from yet another girlfriend who wrote that for lent she was going to give up swearing.

I only had one response to both of these situations:

What the F@%K was going on???

I personally think that giving up swearing is not an option in life AT ALL!??

It's not something you can just stop doing.  

It's a way of life.  It's a way of de-stressing.  And I believe it's SUPER healthy.

For those of you who disagree, I bring your attention to several articles written on this topic.  


The first article is written by Frederik Joelving entitled "Why the #$%! do we swear?". 

I know what you're thinking.  

No....I did not make this up.  Although the author's name DOES look like something I would throw together for the purpose of a joke.  

And I would say it with a German accent.  

Or Swedish.  

Probably Swedish.  

Anyway, I digress.  

The article tests the theory that swearing actually alleviates pain in uncomfortable situations.  

Out of a group of individuals who were forced to keep their hands in ice-cold water, the ones who were allowed to curse throughout the process, were able to withstand a longer period of time in the water than the ones who were not allowed to swear.

I found this article in the magazine Scientific American.  

In the Mind & Brain section.  (yes, there's a Mind & Brain section).

So my first article proves that swearing is good for you.  And it is actually seen as pain relief.

This is very legit.  In fact, it's all science.

Let's move on to the next article, shall we??

The second article, found on CBC News is entitled "What the....?"  and shows that swearing on the job can reduce stress and boost employee morale.  

Professor Yehuda Baruch, professor of management, states:

"Swearing was [seen] as a social phenomenon to reflect solidarity and enhance group cohesiveness, or as a psychological phenomenon to release stress."

I am not making any of this up..........  although once again, the professor's name TOTALLY looks like a name I would use in one of my ridiculous stories.  

OR.... Yehuda Baruch could possibly be Borat's best friend??   

Anyway, that article was in the Technology & Science section of CBC news.  

So again, I must point out that this is all science.  And you can't argue with science.  You just can't!

So in conclusion, for all of my friends who are trying to stop swearing, you are doing yourselves a HUGE injustice.  

Perhaps do what I do and hold back on the swearing in front of the little ones and elders.  We don't need a bunch of 3 year olds and 90 year olds dropping F-bombs everywhere....."Where's my F'ing DIAPERRRRR?!!!"  

Can you imagine?!?

But for every other stressful situation, like when you're stuck in traffic, or shoveling snow, or you notice a pimple on your nose right before an important date.......SWEAR!!!  

Swear like you've never sworn before.  

I'm telling will feel a million times better.

You know why??

Because it's f*cking science.   That's why ;)

Articles referenced in this amazing f#$king blog:

Why the #$%! do we swear?

What the ...?


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