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Drinks... at the basement bar.

I tried to think of a clever way to start this blog entry........but we don't have time.  I have a ton of questions that need answering, so we have to get started right away.

Remember my post about my cute neighbor?  The one with the 2 little girls? The one who my other neighbors think is interested in me, but I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend....remember that guy??  If you don't, then you have to read that entry first.   

Please read it quickly though.  Remember....we don't have time! (By the way -you should have ALL of my entries memorized but I don't even have time to reprimand you for this.  You're lucky.)

Click on: Fuzzy was he?

Ok!  You're all caught up now?  Good.

So, my cute neighbor came over AGAIN to ask if our girls wanted to have a play date.   Seeing as how it was a rainy day and I was running out of crafts to do and movies to watch, I decided that a play date was a good idea.  He suggested his place because he just finished his basement.

So within 5 minutes, the kids were running around and the neighbor and I were chatting in his kitchen.

"Do you want to see the finished basement?" he suddenly asked, "I did the whole thing myself."

As we went down the stairs, I noticed a bar off to the side.  

"You built a bar down here?  That's awesome!"  I said while laughing out loud.
"Yup.  Every house needs a bar" he winked "Do you want a drink?"

And within minutes, we were drinking gin and 7's and chatting about his the basement bar.

I was secretly hoping to get some more information on his status and his "girlfriend".  The one I saw only once or twice in front of his house.

Suddenly....I knew the perfect segue.  

"So, why did you finish the basement?  Are you planning on moving?  Was this place an investment for you?"  I noticed that my eyes slightly narrowed, as if I was interrogating the guy.  I quickly opened them wider so I wouldn't look so devious (mou hahahhahaha!)

"Nope.  Definitely not moving.  The girls and I are here to stay.  We love it here".
"It IS a great neighborhood.  We love it here too. I'm guessing your girlfriend lives close by then?"  I took a sip of my drink right after so that the reasoning for my question wouldn't appear so forward.
"No actually.  She lives in Halifax."

I had soon learned that she had also gone through a big divorce (surprise, surprise) and she had 3 kids with her ex who also lived in Halifax, and which prevented her from moving.

"So.... you guys just do this long-distance thing?"
"Yup.  3 years now!"
"3 years!??  Wow.  Good for you guys.  That's actually very impressive."

A short while later, I left his place feeling happy and confident that I finally knew my answer.  This man was in a committed relationship and seemed happy.  And as for us.....we were just gonna be friends.

But.....over the last few weeks, my neighbor has been somewhat more ...."friendly".   

The knocks on my door for play dates has become MUCH more frequent recently, and there is never a missed opportunity to come over and chat when he sees me outside.  

If I know someone has a girlfriend, then the proverbial doors for me are closed.  Shut.  Bolted.  Alarmed.  But somehow I felt that this neighbor didn't see things the same way.

I mentioned this to my neighbor-couple the other night and the husband burst out laughing.  

"Leo!  The guy is still after you!  No question.  Don't you think it's convenient that his girlfriend lives thousands of miles a way and he's not planning on moving?"

His wife immediately jumped in, "He could still like her as a friend!  This could be totally innocent."

He looked at his wife and then at me.  He had that look on his face when you try to explain something to someone....and they're just not getting it.

"I guarantee you he doesn't want Leo just as a friend.  If he wants a friend, he can call up one of his buddies and go watch a football game."

I couldn't help but wonder if he was right?  

Was I being super naive about this whole situation?   What did my neighbor really want?  Were we on two completely different pages?


Is it possible for a man to have a platonic friendship with a woman if he was already in a relationship? 

I need some help here people.

What do YOU think??

To be continued.



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