So I ended my last entry with a question to my readers:
Is it possible for a man to have a platonic friendship with a woman if he is already in a relationship?
I posed this question in an effort to get some advice on a neighbor who is in a long-distance relationship but seems to be sending me some mixed signals on the side.
The response, from both women and men, was quite interesting.
Most of you think that it is impossible for a man, who is in a relationship, to have a female platonic friend on the side. Then there's the few who believe that it is absolutely possible for a man to have a female friend. And then there's the rest of you, who think that my neighbor is confused.....and that possibly me flirting with him will give me the answers that I am looking for.
It amazed me that so many of my friends had such strong, and differing opinions about the same topic.
But WHY did this intrigue me so much? Everyone is different right? Everyone has their own opinion right?
So why did your opinions leave me so confused?
And why was this topic.....and this neighbor of mine bothering me so much?
And then it hit me.
Everyone has formulated their opinions based on their own life experiences, right?
So if that's the case, then obviously something in my past was causing me to question my neighbor and his slight advances.
I thought back to the last time I had heard the term "just friends".
Without getting into too much detail, my personal experience was that a man could NOT be friends with a woman while he was in a relationship.
It just didn't work.
But.....I am not that naive to believe that it can't happen.
Back to my neighbor.
Could he be a good guy that just likes my company and likes that our daughters are friends?
OR.......does he want something more and is just treading the water lightly to see how I respond to his subtle moves?
At the end of the day......I truly think it depends on the guy.
And since I don't really know him.....and I don't really know what his intentions are.....I guess then, it doesn't matter what he wants.
It matters what I want.
And what I want is a platonic relationship with my nice neighbor and his kids. If he wants something more......then he's knocking on the wrong door ;)
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