By now, you probably have a good idea of who Ridiculous Girl is.
In addition to giving you 60 ridiculous facts about me, I tend to write each and every blog without a filter. What you see, is what you get. Sometimes I think I write too much about myself. And then I laugh.....there's soooo much more! We haven't even scraped the surface baby ;)
But the one thing that I don't think you know about me is how important it is that I "ground myself" on a regular basis.
Let me explain.
Even though I love to dress up, bleach my hair and wear tons of makeup, I equally love to be at my simplest state.
I find that especially after a late night of partying, I need to get back to this simplest state as soon as possible. In a way, trying not to lose myself in a materialistic and shallow world.
I find that 3 simple steps help me to achieve said "grounding" after a night of debauchery.
1. I must get enough sleep to over-compensate the harsh effects of staying up late the night before. For example, if I stay up until 4am (which I did 2 weekends ago), then I MUST sleep in until noon the next day. Only 8 hours of sleep will suffice in bringing me back to my normal state. If someone tries to wake me up any earlier, then I will yell very loud at them, with my eyes still closed under my sleep mask. I was once referred to as a "sleeping monster".
2. I must do the opposite of what I did the night before. If I wore my hair down the night before, then it's up the next day. If I wore a short, tight dress the night before, then it's long and flowy the next day. If I was with a ton of people the night before, then I need to be alone the next day. I feel like doing the exact opposite is essential to getting back to your natural state. If you don't understand this concept, don't worry. It's science.
And finally,
3. I must become at "one" with nature. Usually for me, nights out involve dark nights and dark nightclubs. So to counter-act the "vampire" effect, I have my breakfast, and then go frolic in the woods. Not naked or anything. Although that would be amazing! But I'll go barefoot in the lake, or do some gardening, or go for a long walk on a forest path.
So, now that you know all of this about me, it's no surprise that I would adore every minute of the most grounding location of all family cottage. A simple and rustic home built by my parents, before they were even married. It is the perfect weekend getaway, 3 hours north of Toronto and located on a beautiful and large lake. It is surrounded by massive trees that obstruct every view except the water. Once you are there, you feel like you are in the middle of nowhere and you are immediately removed from the stress and nonsense of daily life.
For someone like me, who has been battling a very nasty separation for almost 2 years straight, I have found a lot of solace being at my cottage.
Going for a ride in the canoe on a quiet evening when the sun is setting, or going for a walk in the woods all by yourself, can help slow down your thoughts and frustrations immediately. Yoga stretches on the dock first thing in the morning can breathe peace and happiness back into your soul within seconds.
One will often get sucked into the life that they are going through at the moment, however negative it is. It seems to consume you and it becomes harder and harder to see a light at the end of the tunnel with each passing day. It is crucial to not let this phase of your life take over and define who you are.
Being at the cottage has grounded me in a way that it has continually reminded me who I was and what I wanted out of life. Sitting on the dock and reminiscing about my days as a 7 year old eager kid with her Dad spending hours on the water trying to learn how to water-ski.
Back then the world was your oyster. You had dreams and you were going to achieve them all.
Being at the cottage this past weekend, reminded me of that spirit, and that 7-year old little girl, with the bowl haircut, who whispered to herself in the water "Get up. Get up. Get up. You can do this. You know you can do this....."
And even though I fell.....and I fell.......and I fell......I knew that there would be one time that I would finally get up....and it would be the best feeling ever. Because I would have accomplished something that was huge.
Going back to that moment reminds me that I CAN do anything. And this separation that I have been going through, where I have been beaten down....emotionally and mentally....for so many years, will NOT define me.
I will "get up" as hard as it is, and "do this".
And I will carve out a whole new path for myself. A life that is full of success, and happiness, and love with my 2 little girls.
For I know, that when I want something bad enough, I'll make it happen.
I will never be able to walk on water........but who's kidding who......water-skiing is pretty damn close ;)

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