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Young and beautiful.

Once you pass 35 years of age, you start to realize that you're not really young anymore.
But you're not really old either?
It's weird.
You still feel young....but you're not.

I remember being a kid and saying "Yeah, our teacher is old.  She's probably like, 38."

I want to go back in time and kick myself in the head.

Having said that ....I actually do love getting older.   I love having experience behind me.  I love who I have become, and I love knowing what I have overcome.

I'm not super fond of the wrinkles though .....but there are always ways to fix that ;)

Many things have changed from when I was a now, a 30-something.  But the one thing that hasn't changed, is my love of partying and dancing.  I will go dancing at every opportunity, no matter what my age.

One Saturday night, my girlfriends and I went to Bloke.  An amazing club in downtown Toronto.  We had a fabulous time.  We drank martinis, we danced and we laughed all night long.  I felt very young and very beautiful. 

We were walking through the super-packed crowd, when we suddenly spotted 2 gorgeous guys.  They walked by us and my sister immediately pointed at them and yelled over the music "THOSE GUYS ARE SUPER HOT!"

Not very subtle.....but my sister's always been a girl who knows what she likes :)

The tall, dark-haired one looked back at me and smiled as he walked away. 

I was so distracted that I walked directly into my sister's back.  My sister just looked at me and rolled her eyes.  So much for my sex appeal.

We were headed towards the other room, when suddenly I saw that the guys had come back!  And almost immediately my sister was being chatted up by the blonde one.  I turned around to look for the dark-haired one..... and there he was...... standing directly in front of me.  I was totally taken off-guard. 

He was close to me.  Very close.   I could smell his cologne.  It was intoxicating.  And he was tall.  He must have been, like, 6'4" or something.

"Hey", he said very confidently with a smile.... his eyes locked on mine.

I don't remember what I said back?  I'm hoping I sounded just as confident as him, but knowing me, I probably messed up the word "hi".

Nonetheless, I couldn't have been that much of a disaster......because hours went by and this beautiful man did not leave my side.  We talked and giggled and flirted all night.  

At one point, he was telling me about his younger brother.

"Oh!  You have a brother!  That's cool.  How old is he?" I asked.
He looked up at the ceiling and squinted,  "Let's seeee.  He's 3 years younger than that would make him.....22 now."

I nearly choked on my olive.

"So, you''re......25??"  I asked with a stutter.

"Yeah.  Why?"

Again, I choked.  Someone take this damn martini away from me!!

" reason.  That's .....that's awesome!"

"Why?  How old are you?"  he asked with a smirk.


I didn't know what to do.  Should I lie?  Even if I lied, what age would I say?  30 is even too old for this zygote!

Suddenly a sexy song started blaring through the speakers......a remix of Lana Del Ray's "Young and Beautiful".  He was staring at me and waiting for me to answer while the song was approaching it's chorus.  The base got louder and louder.  I was getting more and more stressed.  And then all I could hear was Lana's powerful voice ......

"Will you still love me when I'm no longer young...and beautiful?" 

You've got to be kidding me!
I'm convinced the DJ was watching us all night and purposely put this song on as a joke.



I decide to be upfront and honest and tell him the truth.  I've never been able to lie anyways.  But I'm sure this will totally scare him off. was a good night.  I had a ton of fun..... but I guess this has come to an end. goes......

I go up on my tippy-toes and lean in to his ear........take one last whiff of his delicious cologne .......and I whisper my age.......


You're probably wondering what happened next?

Well, let's just say that my red lipstick couldn't stay on my lips that night......and my age was the furthest thing from my mind ;)


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