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Jerk.....or Genius?

I’m sure you’ve all heard of the recent Bachelor news.  Obvi!  No doubt it’s been on the top of your radar.

Juan Pablo did NOT get engaged.

I speak of course of the Bachelor’s wishy-washy ending to the show’s “most dramatic season EVER”.  

Last Monday,  Juan (I pronounce it “Hoo-Waaaan"), had to decide between his final 2 ladies , Clare and Nikki.  But unfortunately for Hoo-Waaan, his past came back to haunt him. 

Over the course of the season, Juan did what no other Bachelor could ever accomplish.   He managed to insult and disgust...pretty much the entire world with his obscene comments.  Unfortunately for him, Clare had enough and stormed out , leaving Juan muttering that he hadn’t chosen her anyway.  Whatever Juan!

So by default, Nikki won.  

Or did she?

The final rose ceremony was almost unbearable to watch.  Juan did not tell Nikki that he loved her....but rather that he “liked her.  A lot”.  Oh brother! 

And then he told her that he HAD an engagement ring, but that he wouldn’t give it to her.  And he tapped his pocket with his hand, as if to say “You’re not good enough for this huge chunk of diamond in my pocket, so I’ll just hang on to it”.  

For some reason, Nikki was ok with all of this and accepted his promise for...........friendship?    

Of course my BFF and I had to watch “After the Final Rose” over and over, discussing every comment, every body angle and every eye roll.

“REWIND!  REWIND!”  I yelled at her making sure she caught that slight change in body posture between Nikki and Juan on the couch as the host, Chris Harrison interrogated them about their love.....or lack thereof. 

One by one, guests of the show all spoke up saying that they were confused.  They didn’t realize why Juan was so secretive and why he refused to express his feelings of love for Nikki, and what his and Nikki’s plans were for the future. 

“URGH!  What an asshole!” I threw my hands up in anger and then grabbed my glass of wine.  I needed alcohol if I was going to get through any more of Juan’s antics.

“Yes....buttttt.....”  my BFF said under her breath.

I put my glass down and very slowly turned my head towards my eyeballs being the last to face her.   

No she DIDN’T.

Was she actually trying to defend this jerk?

She quickly continued after seeing the distress on my face. “There IS a language barrier.....AND, he just wants a private relationship after the show.  Is that really so bad??”

“Babe!!  The guy is a MAJOR douchebag!" 

But then with my next sip of wine, I stopped to think for a minute.  Was I misinterpreting things?  

I couldn’t help but wonder.  In an era, where the world is connected to practically every single person and celebrity through social media, were we expecting too much from this bachelor?  Did we want to know every detail of his love life after the show, and were we just disappointed because Juan was moving on without us?  

Was Juan Pablo a jerk....or a genius?

I watched the rest of the show with a different mindset.  I gave Juan the benefit of the doubt.   I watched his body posture, I watched his interaction with Nikki, I listened to his words....very carefully, and I listened to his responses to the guests and to Chris.

Each time Nikki or Juan spoke, they would then pull each other close and stare into one another’s eyes.  They would ignore or pretend to ignore the snarls and sounds of disgust from the audience and instead they would kiss each other over and over.  Although their “moves” were that of a loving couple, everything seemed really weird.  And when Chris pushed the topic of love, Juan would snap back with rude and derogatory comments, saying that they wanted their life private.  

I found it hard to believe that all Juan wanted was “privacy” when he was practically making out with his girlfriend on national television.

I didn’t buy it.  Any of it.

I don’t believe that you need to flaunt your relationship if it’s true love.  Don’t get me wrong, I have absolutely no issues with PDA.   In fact, when I see a couple that is truly in love, I think a little PDA is sweet.  However, when it is constant and looks like it’s forced, all I can think of, is that the couple is marking their territory on eachother.  Kind of like a dog pissing on a tree. 

Juan was pissing on Nikki.  And Nikki was ok with it.

He has no intention whatsoever of marrying this girl, but rather of keeping her because it’s “convenient” for him.   And sadly Nikki has no backbone or self-respect to walk away and seek a relationship that’s actually healthy and loving.

After reading all of the tabloids and comments after the show, my opinion had been confirmed by millions of viewers.   EVERYONE thought that Juan was a major JERK.  Privacy or no privacy, there is no reason to treat people with disrespect.   And as for the language barrier, I haven’t practised my Polish language in years, but you better believe that no one would EVER mistake my words for disrespect and insult. 

All I know is that I’d rather be single forever, then be trapped in a relationship with someone like Juan.  And thankfully my Spanish is much better than my Polish, because I have something to say to Juan:

“El Jerko:  Karma is an el bitcho!”


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