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Showing posts from July, 2012

Welcome to the Jungle.....

I am surrounded by superstar athletes.  My brother just came in FIRST in the Limberlost Challenge Trail Race.......56K run.  He said the last 14K were hard.  That makes me want to hit him.  My dad was a competitive tennis player.  Beat challengers half his age when he was 60.  And my husband is competing in an upcoming triathalon.  He is also a Master of Taekwondo and regularly bench presses over 300 pounds during his routine workouts.  I worked out with him once.  We went to the local Y.  He gave me a series of exercises.  By exercise 2, I felt the tears filling my eye sockets.  He looked at me and said "Are you crying????"....I sniffled...."nooo" I whispered back.  "Babe, are you serious??  what's wrong??"  "I can't do this"  again I whispered, not wanting to draw any attention  to myself.  "C'mon!  Let's go to the bench press."  He says as he ignores me and takes my hand and pulls ...

Magic Mike

I'm assuming that most of you who read my blog are women.  Correct??   Well.....then I don't have to even explain my blog-post subject title.   By now you are already getting all hot and bothered thinking of those ridiculously beautiful men gyrating up on stage.   Matthew and Channing have changed the way we expect girls nights to be......they have changed the way we think LIFE should be! -------------------------------------------- I went with a group of girlfriends to see this much-anticipated movie.  All of us ready for these men to "perform". And let me tell you my friends.....they did not disappoint ;)   I left that movie theatre in a daze. Giddy and silly.....and feeling like I needed a cigarette. I got a drive home with 2 of my friends after the show.  Thank goodness because I don't think I could have driven home after that much visual stimulation!  The 3 of us climbed into my friend's car, ...

When is too much...really too much??

So by now you've read enough of my blog to know that I don't really hold anything back.  My life is an open book.  I am very emotional and "EVERYTHING affects me"  as my husband would say.  "sigh......why can't you spend all day at the beach honey??"  he asks in a monotone voice with his eyes already rolled back into his head. "BABY!!  you know why!!!!  you know I can't be exposed to the sun and wind all day!!!!" I always communicate my thoughts and feelings about my day to all those close to me.  If I had a good'll know about it.  If my child didn't'll know about it.  If I forgot to draw on my'll know about'll also see that I have no eyebrows that day....sooooo....bad example. husband tells me on a regular basis that I don't REALLY need to express my feelings ALL the time.  But I disagree.  I think.....he...of all people....should ...

THERE'S NO TIME!!!!!!!!!

I have not written in months....maybe a year.....I have completely lost track of time.  There's actually NO time to do anything.  I am sitting in here ugly daughter's snot all over my shirt.......and wondering how to approach this day. I have been a bit of a mess lately.  I look like a mess.  I feel like a mess.  I just AM  a mess.  Hey...I'm like Little Miss Messy....I read that book with my daughter last night!!!!!  I digress. why am I mess you ask???  Well......I feel like I just can't get my s--t together!  I feel like my house and kids are controlling me and not the other way around.  And if you're a know what I'm talking about.  But like most suck it up...drink more coffee.....and keep on truckin' (or as my late dad would say "keep on plugging!!!")  But I can't!!!!!  I'm drained and I'm exhausted.  I look around the house and sooo much needs to be done.....