Do you ever crave change? Crave it so bad that it's all you can think about? Well..... I was the living, breathing result of change. In the last 5 years, there had not been a single day in which my life wasn't changing. Looking back over those years, I had gone through almost every major life-changing event that one could possibly go through. Divorce, a new home, going back to work, a new car, starting dating again, new friendships, new relationships.......the list went on and on. Add all of this on top of learning how to be the best possible single mommy I could be to 2 wild and crazy gals, and you've got a woman who pretty much defined the word "change". But I have to say that there was ONE thing that didn't change. One thing that continued to be a consistency in my life year after year. And that, ladies and gentlemen, was my hair. My long, crazy, mommy-messy, tangled, ridiculous platinum hair. It was the one thing that co...