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Not in this Lifetime.

…..continued from last blog.

As we arrived at the concert venue, we were immediately pointed in the direction of the VIP line. 

Obviously I ALREADY enjoyed this concert experience so much more than the ones prior to this. 

Without any waiting, and as soon as we got our tickets, we were escorted to another entrance.  This entrance led us to an area that was a far cry from the stark and dingy hallways of the stadium.  The floors here were carpeted, the lighting was softer and the mood was just right ;)  

Now THIS is where I belonged. 

The VIP lounge!

We each grabbed a glass of wine and toasted to what would no doubt, be one of the best nights of our lives.

As we entered the stadium, I paused to process the grandeur of this moment. 

I looked up, way to the top, where fans were scraping the stadium roof with their hair…..……and here I was lucky enough to be escorted to the front of the stage. 

I didn’t take things like this for granted.  I knew I was very fortunate tonight.

As we found our seats, the girls immediately sat down and jumped on their cell phones.  The “insta” stories began!

I did a little bit of Instragram-ing and Facebooking…...mostly out of peer pressure……..but I found myself mostly just staring in awe at the giant screen in front of me.

The massive Guns N’ Roses logo circled on the screen back and forth.  It must have been at least 3 stories high.  And along the bottom of the screen their tour name was scribbled.... 

Not in this Lifetime


Isn’t that funny? I thought.

I actually never thought I’d see my iconic band again – so how fitting that this was their tour name??

And it still seemed absolutely surreal that at the end of the show, I’d actually be brushing shoulders with greatness……

Suddenly, the lights dimmed, we all screamed, and the show began ;)

Three hours later and the concert was still in full effect.

I was in absolute heaven the entire show.  

Song after song continued to blow my mind.  I either sang at the top of my lungs, or screamed, or danced…..but I dare not sit down!   In fact, with each new song introduction, I would open my mouth in awe and look at my friends in shock, as if to say, “are you kidding me??? This amazing song TOO????”  Everyone just continued to laugh at me.  Some even said that they were so happy that I FINALLY got to see my favorite band, to which I responded, “Finally??? I’ve seen them a million times!!”  But when you love a band THIS much, then these moments will ALWAYS seem like the first time.

But then, something absolutely horrible happened.  

I suddenly got a sharp pain in my temple.

And then another one.

And then a stabbing pain between my eyes.

Oh no!!  


No….this can’t be happening right now!!

I quickly sat down and rummaged through my purse to look for Tylenol….Advil…..ANYTHING!?  But alas…..the purse was bare.  I could hear Mama's voice in my head "YOU NEVER LEAVE DA HOUSE VITOUT TYLENOL!!"

As the concert came to an end, 20 mins later, my poor head was pounding.  

And by the time my beloved band walked off stage, I could barely see straight.

As everyone left the stadium, I dizzily followed the group to the Friends and Family Room. Folks….. I was NOT doing well. 

For anyone who’s ever had a migraine, you know exactly what I must have been feeling.  And for those lucky ones who have never had the pleasure of this mind-numbing pain, well let me tell you……. it is debilitating, and usually ends up with me in the fetal position by the toilet puking my guts out.

I stumbled into the VIP room and immediately collapsed onto one of the cushy leather chairs and closed my eyes.  I would give myself a moment to rest, perhaps that would help?  Afterall, it had been a completely wild and crazy day filled with emotions, and the most exciting moment hadn’t even happened yet?? No wonder my poor little head couldn't keep up with the commotion.

I sat in silence in the corner of the room while everyone excitedly waited for the magical meeting with Slash.

But then suddenly I realized what I must of looked like!?  And I remembered what Marina’s friend had said back at her condo.   If she saw me in this condition, she would FOR SURE think I was drunk!!

And GOD FORBID I throw up!??  

This was bad folks.  REALLY bad.....

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when a MASSIVE Hawaiian man came to the door. 



In my ‘migrainic’ state I completely forgot that I was supposed to message him!!?

He smiled when he spotted our group of lovely ladies .......and luckily didn't notice the pathetic tall blonde girl curled up on the lounger.  

“Girls!  Let’s go” he said in the nicest, yet deepest and most commanding voice I had ever heard.

My poor head was pounding so hard ......but Kimo said let’s go, and when Kimo says let’s go… GO!!! 

He was almost as tough as Marina.  


As we followed Kimo backstage down the long-winding hallways, past all of the band’s equipment, Marina finally looked over at me and said “Can you believe dis is happening right now????”

“Marina” I whispered back, “I have the WORST migraine of my life.  I can’t even see straight....."

Marina, without even thinking, reached into her purse and said “Don’t vorry.  I have someting for you.”

Marina pulled out 2 horse-sized pills.

“Deez pills are like Tylenol.  But like….100 times stronger.  I get them from Russia”.

I looked at Marina’s communist pills.

“Marina.  I am almost CERTAIN that I will puke my brains out if I take those pills”, as I handed them right back to her.

“NO.  YOU VILL NOT.”  She very assertively said.  “Take dem.  I promise dat dey will fix every-ting.  You vill not trow up".

And again......when Marina (or Kimo) tells you to do something, you do it.

So I swallowed the massive pills, chugged some water, and prayed to the Guns above that I would survive.


 We finally got to our destination.  

Behind the curtain was the stage.  And right in front of me..........SLASH.

He looked amazing.  Exactly the way I thought he would look up close.  Dreamy in fact.

But suddenly.......I felt it.  

I was definitely going to throw up.

A wave of nausea and panic swept over my body.

I started breathing very deeply as I swallowed and held down in my throat Marina's Putin pills.

As everyone stood around chatting with Slash, I quickly turned behind me, where a 300-lb Hawaiian man stood.

"KIMO!" I whisper-yelled.

Kimo started laughing.  "Yeah?" he answered.

"Where is Slash's bathroom???"  I said in the most panicked voice ever.

But Kimo was chill.  As you can imagine most Hawaiian men are.....  

"Oh yeah.  It's right over there.  But it's not pretty.  It's sort of like a men's locker room."

"That's ok! It'll be perfect."  and I ran away from him and right past Slash to the ghetto men's locker room bathroom.

I ran in, slammed the bathroom door and leaned over the toilet.

And while I was quietly dry heaving, I asked myself why the hell this was happening to me right now!???  Of ALL nights!!  And with my FAVOURITE BAND OF ALL TIME????

Side note:  In re-telling this story to several of my close friends, their answer to this question was "Because you're RIDICULOUS GIRL!  And NOTHING NORMAL ever happens to Ridiculous Girl!!"


Back to the story.

But then something magical happened.

In the middle of my dry-heaving, the throw up suddenly went away!?

I stayed there for a tad longer...... just in case it was a hoax.

But it wasn't.  

The throw up feeling was gone.  At least for now.

I stood up slowly, opened the door to the bathroom and went straight to the mirror, and I gave myself a little pep talk.


And I re-applied another coat of red lipstick, walked out of the bathroom .......and looked over at Slash, who was standing and smiling and staring at me.

The girls all yelled, "LEO!!  IT'S YOUR TIME FOR A PIC WITH SLASH!!"

This was it.

I pulled myself together, took a deep breath, and walked down the 5 stairs and found myself face to face with a rockstar God.

And again..... I felt like the coolest Goddam person in the whole world.

He continued to stand there smiling at me, as I threw my arm around his neck and said in the happiest and most relaxed voice ever, "Hey buddy!"

He started laughing.  

We then turned to the cameras and finally got our photos taken together :)


I won't give any more details of what happened backstage.

After all, backstage is like Vegas.   What happens backstage, STAYS backstage.

But I will say that Slash is one of the most LOVELY and calm people I have ever met.  

He is chill, and relaxed and very, very humble.

And hanging out with him was not only the coolest experience ever, but definitely something I would never believe would happen in this lifetime.


As we left his dressing room, he said goodbye to each one of us.  

And I MAY have given him the biggest hug I've ever given anyone in my entire life.  

After our hug, I stood staring at him for what seemed like an eternity to me, but probably really only last 2 seconds, and I said to him, in the most sincere voice, "Thank you".

And he answered, in the most sincere voice as he stared right back at me, "You're welcome".    

And I turned and walked away. 

From Slash.

Of Guns N Roses.

The band that changed my life.

And when we got back to Marina's friends condo, I ran past everyone, and into the bathroom............and I threw up.  


And remember the kitten that Slash loved so much??

The one who played with him as he lied on the white leather couch??  

Well, this photo was taken of me at 4am by Marina and her friend (while they laughed their asses off at me no doubt).

Looks like the kitten loved me too.  

And obviously has super amazing taste in humans ;)

The End :)

This blog is dedicated to Marina and her friend.........whose name I cannot divulge.....because....well, she's Slash's friend.  Obvi!!
I love you both, you hot rocker chicks!!! xoxoxoxoxo


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