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Wing Girl.

In a relationship, it is very important to like your significant other's best friends.  

If you do not, then it's only a matter of time before the bubble that you and your beau are perpetually smooching in eventually bursts.  

Having met Handsome Guy through my cousin, I already knew that he had awesome friends.  I's my family after all.....c'mon!?  They're the best!

So, soon after we started dating, I introduced him to MY girlfriends.  

And one by one, the verdicts came back.   

They loved him :)  

My one coworker is slightly infatuated with him actually.

The other day at work she asked me "Leo, did you dream about your boyfriend last night??"

I stopped typing and looked up at the ceiling to ponder this question.  I finally looked over at her and answered, "No hun. I didn't.  Why??"

She didn't look up from her computer but she smirked. And then she responded coyly,  "I did".

Other than my coworker, all of my friends seem to have a really "healthy" adoration for Handsome Guy ;)

And I think it's safe to say my cousins like me just the same ;) 

But what happens when your relationship starts to grow.... and gets deeper, and then you start to hang out more, and in turn meet friends that you haven't met before?  

Will everyone like us together just the same?  

Or will there be judgement as we are now BOTH becoming an integral part of the "friends" group??

What happens then??


On a night out a few weeks ago, I hung out with Handsome Guy and some of his guy friends that I was just starting to get to know.

They were great.  

Nice, funny and easy to hang out with.

But again, I wondered what they thought of me?

I suddenly felt like I was in grade 5 again.

Were they being nice to me because I was the new girl in town?  

Or did they really think I was cool?

And if they DID think I was cool, was I the type of girl that they would like even if Handsome Guy wasn't around?

It reminded me of that classic episode of Seinfeld when George and Elaine were left alone together without their buffer Jerry.  Without Jerry, George just kept repeating the same question over and over again and Elaine just kept nodding her head in bored approval.

If Handsome Guy wasn't there, what would happen with me and his friends?  

Would I like them?  Would they like me?

Or would we sit there in bored silence like George and Elaine.

Well, it was time to throw on my leather jacket and find out!


Our night out began with a pub, a live band, a few beers, and the gang.  

There was playful banter, lots of jokes and lots of singing along.

Occasionally Handsome Guy would steal a kiss between conversations or squeeze my leg under the table as we chatted with the others.  He was being VERY delicious.   

Well, until.........he had to go to the bathroom.

This I could not understand.  Couldn't he hold it in?  

In grade 5 I would hold in my pee ALL DAY at school!  That's like.....8 hours!!  

NOW I had to be alone with the friends.

The test began.....

As soon as he left, I sat quietly sipping my beer.  

But one by one, his 3 guy friends turned to look at me.

The conversations started off light and easy though. 

"Where do you work?"  "How old are your kids?"  and "Are you enjoying that beer?"

But soon, the conversations got deeper and more interesting.  

It came as a surprise to me that I didn't even notice when Handsome Guy had returned.

And it must have been for a while already, because the guys and I were on our 3rd topic of conversation and totally engaged, and at times, laughing our heads off.

The guys finally stood up and said, "Let's go to another bar!!"  

But instead of looking excited, Handsome Guy made a face like he wasn't sure that he wanted to go to a louder venue.

So one of the guys (very assertively I must add) put his arm around my neck and said, "Well, then we're taking your girl!"

My mouth dropped and my eyes widened as I suddenly found myself being escorted by these wild guys, who were pulling me out of the pub doors.

Handsome Guy laughed but looked slightly shocked at their bold manoeuvre.

I laughed also,  as I got gently nudged towards the front entrance by these 3 men.  But I too, was in complete shock.  

I looked back one last time and mouthed the words to Handsome Guy "I'm being kidnapped!" just as the pub doors closed.


As the cab started driving away I squealed, "You guys are nuts!!  Why did you do that??"

And the one friend calmly said, "Leo. Wherever you go, Brad will follow.  And if he follows, then the rest will come too.  So..... you're kind of like our hostage! And plus, you're awesome!  You need to be our wing girl tonight!".

I didn't like the idea of being a hostage........but wing girl?  Hmmm.....I kind of liked the sound of that.  It had a nice ring to it.....

"But he doesn't even know where we're going!?  How will he find me?? I didn't even bring my cell with me tonight!" I whined.

The friend calmly answered again, "Oh....relax, he'll FIND you.  Trust us."  and then he said to the cabbie, "Turn at the next street buddy!"


The night ended up being ridiculous and...........amazing :)

Hanging out with these guys reminded me of my old high school and university days when I ONLY hung out with boys.  

Boys were easy.  

They're always fun, relaxed and .....drama-free.
(Well, other than the whole hostage thing.  That was actually quite dramatic for me).  

But within half an hour of being alone with these guys, I had totally found my role in the group.  And we laughed together, drank together and danced together.  

I EVEN helped them search for beautiful ladies.   

I worked DAMN hard to be the BEST wing girl that I could possibly be!

And then suddenly......... I felt a hand go across my waist.

I quickly turned around to see Handsome Guy smiling at me.

I squealed, threw my arms around his neck, and kissed him..... in the middle of the dance floor.

And then one of the guys yelled over the music, "See?  I told ya he'd find you!"


A little while later,  Handsome Guy and I left the bar........ and all of the craziness behind.  

As we walked back to his place, hand in hand, I giggled as I replayed my outrageous kidnapping and my hilarious wing girl moments.

"What're you laughing about?" Handsome Guy asked smiling.

"Oh nothing," I said happily.

And we continued walking home.

But in my head, I was already planning my next episode......

 "Where will Wing Girl strike next?  STAY TUNED!!!"



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