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The Barber Shop

It had been 6 long months since Handsome Guy and I had seen each other.  But once we did, and had decided to give our relationship another try, we got right back into our delicious little romance.  

I MIGHT tell you how our decision to get back together came to be, at a later time that is.....but for now, I think I'll keep that golden little nugget snug in my back pocket ......for a teeny bit longer ;)

Anyway, Handsome Guy and I again behaved like a brand new couple that just started dating.

Our time together was completely focused on each other.  And just like a hot, new couple, none of our single life intercepted with our dating life.  

It was all Ridiculous Girl and Handsome Guy.....all the time.  And I loved it.

Until.......several weeks ago, when I went to visit Handsome Guy for the weekend, and he had announced the most absurd thing that I had ever heard.

"Babe, I'm so sorry, but I forgot that I have a hair appointment at the same time that you arrive.  Would you mind if we took a quick detour to the Barber Shop, and then we'll go out for dinner after??"


I didn't know what to say.  

Of course I wanted to be that super cool, super chill, go-with-the-flow girlfriend that did absolutely whatever everyone else did, and at the same time remained positively happy and content even though all of her own plans had gone right out the window and now she was forced to do something completely different that was not pre-planned or pre-meditated or pre-written on a list or in a HOT PINK AND GOLD AGENDA!!?!!!!?

But instead I answered calmly.....

"Absolutely babe!  I'd love to!" 

As soon as I hung up the phone, I thought,  God, I hope he believed that!?


As we approached the Barber Shop, I felt a tad guilty that I secretly wanted this to be a quick 5 minute appointment so that we could get back to what was REALLY important.....our hot dating life and our endless make-out sessions.  After all, every moment counted.

And then I felt even more guilty when we got to the salon and Handsome Guy held the door open for me and said, "Thanks again for coming with me to this appointment gorgeous.  After you."  


He was so damn sweet.  

I guess I could spare more than 5 minutes of my life in a boring salon for a bit of manly beautifying, couldn't I??

I giggled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, as I stepped into the salon.  

And when I did, I was completely caught off guard.


I stepped in through the door, and immediately 7 men whipped their heads around to look at me.   

Two of these men were cutting hair, 4 of them drinking beer at the bar (yes, there was a bar!?)... and the bartender..........all of them with their eyes locked me.

I sort of got scared.  

I stopped dead in my tracks and didn't move a muscle.

Handsome Guy laughed under his breath, and then said hi to the bartender.  He then gently placed his hand on my lower back and carefully nudged me if to say it's ok, they won't bite.

As I slowly moved forward, and the boys had finally looked away, I then had the opportunity  to take in my surroundings.  

The barber shop was just.....incredible.

There was a massive mahogany bar right at the main entrance.  

The bartender (who I learned was also the owner) was behind the bar cleaning a beer glass with a pristine white dish cloth which he afterwards threw over his shoulder. 

The 4 young men at the bar who were drinking (I'm assuming craft beers), had perfectly trimmed hair and perfectly groomed beards.  After they had finished looking at me, they went back to their drinks and their quiet conversations.  

I went to take a step towards them but my foot gently hit a large dog sprawled out at my feet.  

"Sorry about that" the owner said laughing, "He's old, don't mind him.  Just step right over".

Handsome Guy bent down to pet ol' yeller, and I continued to absorb this foreign land that I had just entered.

I was completely mesmerized.

The shop was super vintage.  

The inside was covered from floor to ceiling in wood, and there was a blue, white and red barber shop pole to the side of the bar.  

Every square inch of the shop was busy with posters and little shelves that housed unique men's hair and beard products.

I slowly walked around while the men chatted.  I continued to take in every square inch of space. It was so different from your typical girls salon which was always filled with chatty and gossipy ladies, the aroma of hair dye and bleach, and obscene fluorescent lighting.
Handsome Guy brought me a glass of white wine and led me to a small seating area which was dim and quiet.  

I sat down on the very comfortable and worn-in brown leather loveseat and placed my wine on the round glass table in front of me.  

On the table were 3 things - an old chess set, a book called "How to spot a hipster", and a vintage Playboy magazine.....from 1980, the "Girls of Canada" edition.  

How appropriate I thought  ;)

I couldn't get enough of this place.

The ambience, the vintage feel, the quiet conversationalists, the drinks, the dog, the baseball game playing in the background,  the lingering stares when I walked in, the leather couches, the was all so.......MANLY!!!  

And then suddenly, it hit me.


I was in .......a man cave!!

But not just any man cave.  Ladies and gentlemen,......I was in THE man cave!!

No wonder the guys couldn't stop staring at me when I first entered.  

I had passed through the gates of their fortress!  

Somehow, I had been lucky enough to have been invited to their pad...... their underground layer.....their dungeon!

And because of their stares, I was almost positive that I was amongst only a few special ladies that were allowed to come to this special place.

I suddenly realized that Handsome Guy wasn't just making me tag along to one of his regular hair appointments.  

Handsome Guy had thought that I was cool enough....... and special enough...... to come with him.......where he could present ME to the men of the man cave!

I had never felt more special!! 

As Handsome Guy sat quietly getting all trimmed and proper, he looked over subtly and winked at me.

I bit my lip and smiled back.

I then took a deep breath, leaned back into the supple brown leather couch,  took a sip of my white wine and continued reading my magazine.

Huh?!  Who knew I'd be SO goddam comfortable in a barber shop??

And all it took was one Ridiculous Girl, one Handsome Guy, one barber shop, one lazy dog........and the Girls of Canada ;)


  1. I loved this one! You are a fabulous writer, and so funny!!

  2. You nailed it.I admired your effort. One of the easiest things you can do to boost your style is to find the in your local area. Our professional barbers will take care of your every need as they transform your hair and beard for good.


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