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There are many expectations in life.  

Expectations in your career, in your marriage,  in your home, in your family.....the list goes on and on.

As an employee, you are expected to work.  

As a parent, you are expected to parent.

As a teacher, you are expected to teach. a writer, you guessed it........are expected to write.

But what happens when you have ZERO desire to do the one thing that is expected of you??


Every week, I post a new blog.

I excitedly sit down at my desk, Polish beer at hand, and I write.  

I write and I write and I write.

There have been many a day that I have completely lost track of the time only to realize that I am finishing my story at 2 o'clock in the morning.

Aside:'s actually only 9pm, but my 9pm is everyone else's 2am because I go to bed super early.  Not to mention, I have to get in at least 1 episode of GIRLS or Orange is the New Black before bedtime.  But that's still SUPER LATE for me guys.  And please don't even try to make fun of me for going to bed early.  I'll have the last laugh when my 10 hours of sleep a night have me looking like a 20-year old when I'm 60.

Wait.......what were we talking about??? I got distracted by my own evil laugh.

Oh ya!  WRITING!! writing never seems like work to me because I love it SO MUCH!

And it's VERY RARE that I don't have the passion or the motivation to write my stories.

But let me tell ya folks, since last week, I have had ZERO desire to write.  In fact,  I have been STRU-GAH-LING bad!!!  (by the way, that word is struggling for those of you who don't know how I speak yet.  If you're lucky, one day we will have a conversation and you will have the pleasure of learning my weird and mostly made up verbage.  But ONLY if you're lucky.)

Anyway, since last week, I have had absolutely no ideas for a new blog.  Like, none.

Actually....... that's a lie.  

I thought of doing a blog about Canada Day weekend and how much I love it.  

But then after perusing Facebook and seeing literally EVERYONE I KNOW dressed up in red and white and sharing their love for our amazing nation, I thought, there's NO WAY I can possibly bore you with a whole blog about how incredible Canada is .......because you already know that.  

So instead, I'll just share with you some of my hi-lites of my fabulous Canada Day weekend at the cottage.  

Enjoy :) 

Our whole family decided to dress up for the 150 year celebration.

This was my outfit.  I think it's amazing.

It's a combination of my own t-shirt and my dad's old hat and track pants (which he wore religiously because he was OBSESSED with Canada). 

I think I look pretty choice.

But then Mama thought that it would be a good idea to drape me in a Canada banner......

I was SUPER angry with her decision >:(

I have no CLUE what she was trying to do??

But FINALLY we figured it out and got this AMAZING shot.

During this photo shoot, Mama kept yelling "BUT I VON'T BE IN DA SHOT RIGHT????"  And my sister and I just kept yelling "Ya Ma, don't worry about it.  You won't be in it."

Here's yet another amazing pic.  

With Mama in the shot.

Obviously you can tell how amazing my weekend was by how AMAZING my outfit was.


Oh, and here's another pic from the cottage.  

Of Bruce Lee with sunglasses.  

AS IF he could get any cuter!? 

ps - he was growling at me during this pic.  But I still ruff him :) xo

Anyway, guys, I was hoping that by the time I posted that pic of Bruce Lee, that I would have something to write about.

But I still don't.

I'm sorry :( 

But I'm tired.

I could possibly be tired because I was up at 6am and worked all day long.  

And then I raced to Costco at 6pm to do groceries at which point I got very frustrated with the stupid people who don't know how to properly drive their buggies through the store (STAY TO THE RIGHT SIDE PEOPLE!!! IT'S SIMPLE DRIVING TECHNIQUES!!)

And then I sped home to unpack those groceries, do a load of laundry and mop the floor.

(ps - don't even GET me started on the floor.  In a nutshell, yesterday afternoon, I tried a new DIY to super-clean my kitchen floors with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.  Let's just say that my ENTIRE main floor is covered in a thin chalky white residue.  DIY'S CAN SUCK IT!!!!

(Just kidding - DIY's rock.  Sorry for my outburst PINTEREST!!  I STILL LOVE YOU!  Please don't ban me from your site like you did last year!) is now 8:30pm.

And I'm exhausted.  

All I wanna do is take off my bra, lie on my couch, and watch episode 6 of Season 5 of Orange is the New Black so that I can be asleep by 9:30pm (which is still past my bedtime).

Ridiculous Girls fans - I apologize for my poor writing and lack of enthusiasm today.  

But you know what???

Sometimes you gotta take everyone's expectations and just SHOVE IT!!

Ooooohhhhhhh......I sounded so BAD ASS just there!!!



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