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......continued from last blog.  Don't even GET me started if you haven't read last week's post yet.  Don't turn Ridiculous Girl into ANGRY Girl  >:(  If you HAVE read it...then please enjoy the following :)  


The amazing thing about living next to fabulous neighbours is that they always want to hang out and they always want to have fun.  

The BAD thing about living next to fabulous neighbours, is that they ALWAYS want to hang out and they always want to have fun!

I always dreamed that one day I'd be living in a community where everyone knew my in that 'ol Cheers theme song.  Well, like I always say ....dream it and it will be!  So OBVIOUSLY I manifested it.  Like....DUH!!

I now live on an incredible street filled with fun people who not only know my name, but also care for me like I couldn't even imagine.  Neighbours who watch my home when I'm not around, neighbours who leave cute care packages on my front doorstep and neighbours who participate in ridiculous competitive games with me like LAWN WARS!!


I finally took off my leopard print gardening gloves and succumbed to the pressure.

Even though I wanted so badly to continue working on my lawn, and knew that I only had a few hours this week to truly invest in making it the most beautiful luscious golf-green lawn in ALL THE LAND, I knew that this was one of those moments where I had to just suck it up buttercup and go have a drink with the boys!  

Oh my poor difficult life, you must be thinking!  

But honestly, it kind of was!!  

You must look at me and think WOW, she REALLY has her stuff together!  Based on her Facebook photos, her life looks perfect!

But here's a little secret folks (I say to you in a whisper)'s not real life.

This is where you all go....GASP!!!

I know right???

Just so's you know.......all of the photos that have been posted by yours truly have been carefully and meticulously screened by my editing team which consists of 20 people, 2 stylists, a hair & makeup team and my Feng Shui manger, Linda.  (It used to be Donna but Donna TOTALLY messed up the flow of my bedroom and has thus been demoted to oil essence manager.  We're still not sure what she does all day.... but we're keeping an eye on her.)

ANYWAY, bottom line is that Ridiculous Girl does NOT have it all together.  And when she goes over to have a drink with the boys, then something crucial is not getting done around the laundry......or eating dinner.


The evening started off just lovely.  Just me and the boys and a nice cold beer.

The boys complimented my lawn which I have to say, looked quite stupendous as I admired it from across the street.  The garden looked beautiful.....the grass looked lush....and I eagerly waited for the sun to go down for my new solar lights to finally turn on.

As the night progressed, a couple more joined our group.  And then I knew we were in trouble!  One of the guys rode over on his bike with a cooler in tow (!?) and the other neighbour - well, she ran over barefoot, still in a business suit, and holding a glass of wine.

As cooler guy opened up his selection of drinks and offered me an assortment of beverages, I just laughed and said "NO NO, I'm fine thank you!  I'm heading home soon."

To which the entire group started yelling at me.  I mean, like, verbally ACCOSTING me!  

"LEO!!  You're not going home!  It's only 9pm!!"

It was clear to me that I WASN'T going home.  So I just rolled my eyes and stuck out my empty hand and said "Ok, fine!  Just gimme another beer!"

By 9:45pm, we were laughing and telling stories when suddenly something caught my eyes. 

The sun had finally gone down and there was a strange flashing happening over at my house.

My neighbour cocked his head to the side and said to me, "Leo, what's happening over there??"

I looked over and to my surprise, my beautiful solar lamps which I THOUGHT would give off a serene and gentle yellow glow, were flashing a million miles a minute in all different colours.  

I pouted and looked over to the group and whined,  "MY HOUSE LOOKS LIKE A RAVE!!" 

The group burst out laughing, and with that, one of the guys yelled "TO THE HOT TUB!!!"



I tried.  

I mean, I REALLY tried to say no.

But with every attempt I made to tell the group that I just wanted to go to bed, they just yelled, "LEO!!  LET GO!!!"

And after about 5 attempts, I finally gave up.

And defeated as I was, I went back to my rave.... I mean, my house.....put on my bathing suit, threw on my leopard print bathrobe and slipped on my flip flops.

As I opened the front door, I remembered one last essential item.  And I ran back to the kitchen for.....

RUFFLES CHIPS!  (how GOOD are Ruffles Chips by the way?????)

Anyway, I hadn't eat dinner, so this snack was obviously SUPER important.

I would've grabbed my Heluva Good dip also but I figured that would get messy in the tub  :/

So I closed my front door, Ruffles Chips in hand, and marched over to my neighbour's hot tub.


I had to admit, sitting in a hot tub under the stars after a long day at work was pretty choice.

I know not everyone can afford a hot tub, but if I may quote Ferris Bueller, "if you have the means, I HIGHLY recommend picking one up".  

As the night progressed, and rock music blared, we sat and laughed and had an amazing time.

To which 'cooler guy' suddenly said, "Leo.  Are you having fun??"

I laughed and looked over at him and said, "Yes.  I'm having fun."

"So GIRL!  You NEED to let go sometimes!!"

I couldn't believe what this guy was saying to me!

I yelled back, "Are you kidding me??? It's 11pm on a Tuesday night.  And I'm in a HOT TUB with my neighbours!!!  What MORE do you want from me!"

"I'm just saying.  We had to work SO HARD to convince you to join us tonight.  And you're having a BLAST!!  So next time, just LET GO and say YES right away".

I laughed and said, "Ok ok!" 

And as the night wound up........ I jumped out of the hot tub, said good-bye to my lovely friends and neighbours, threw on my leopard print bathrobe and skipped on back home :)


But that night.....and the WHOLE next week after, I couldn't stop thinking about what cooler guy said.

And I couldn't help but wonder if he was right?

Sure, I had a hard time letting go, but for obvious reasons.  I had responsibilities after all!

I had a house (a rave), I had children (the ravers) and I had solar lamps (glow sticks). 

These things would NOT take care of themselves people!!

So yes, I guess cooler guy was right.

I would not let go in certain situations.........and that was ok.

Because there's only so many things a single mommy can handle when she's got solar lights flashing at her a million miles a minute, a lawn full of weeds, wet Ruffles chips, and a morning wakeup call at 6am.

And if I can be perfectly honest, I kind of love that I'm a girl that does not easily let go.  And I also love that I have responsibilities and a crazy routine that I very rarely deviate from.  


...let me tell you folks.......

......when this Ridiculous Girl FINALLY lets go..........


......let's just say that there's no stopping her.

And in those situations, even her closest friends know to stand back and just let her do her thing.

Because sometimes, just sometimes......when you really NEED to let go........that's when the fun kicks into high gear ;)

Stay tuned for next week's entry.

You do NOT want to miss it ;) xo


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