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Showing posts from 2016

Happy New Years xoXO

Top 20 New Years Resolutions.   Enjoy :) 1.  Wear less red lipstick. 2.  Don't swear as much.  3.  Don't listen to Guns N Roses as if they just released new music yesterday. 4.  Stop wearing track suits and UGGs like....everyday. 5.  Do not eat Nutella from the jar anymore (Even though it is THE most delicious jar/spoon snack in the entire universe). 6.  Start working out.   7.  And stop calling the walk from the car to the mall a "workout". 8.  Try a more delicate laugh.  One that is less like a hyena or a Canadian goose and more like a sweet, little chickadee.  9.  When nervous, do not bite nails. Instead, try a yoga inversion pose in which you hang upside down at your waist.  Even if you are in a public place.  People won't judge.  I'm almost sure of it. 10.  Read books that are not only found in the TEEN section of the library. 11.  Watch the news.  And not ju...

The Christmas List.

As a mom of two young children, there are certain expectations to fulfill and certain events one must attend over the month of December.  As November came to an end, I wrote up my list for said events using a gold pen on a beautiful memo pad surrounded in mistletoe and sprinkled with glitter.  Well, to be honest, it was more like.... on the back of an LCBO bag written in black eyeliner, but that's close enough. Anyway, here was my list:  1.  Visit Santa at the mall.  Also, make sure Molly does not pick out her own outfit or do her own hair this day. 2.  Pick out Christmas gifts for teachers. Therefore, trip to the LCBO.  Everyone knows that's the gift that keeps on giving.  3.  Pick out Christmas dresses for the girls for Christmas Eve - don't forget the leotards like last year. 4.  Decorate gingerbread houses with kids.  Note:  buy TWO houses this year to avoid tempter tantrum from Molly. "WHY DID YOU ONLY BUY ...

Gin Rummy anyone?

So since posting that last blog about "handsome guy", I have literally been hounded everyday by all of my acquaintances and readers wondering who this man is and what happens next between us. Well, I will not divulge his name........ but I will tell you what happens next. Now,  normally I would never post 2 back-to-back updates like this.  After all I've gotta keep you guys guessing and in suspense for that next entry ;)   And what I would've normally done would be to post a blog in between about something else that was ridiculous and hilarious..... like how I purchased my new car.   But I really feel like although you would LOVE my car post (that's a given), that's not at all what you want to read about right now.  Am I right?? (I can hear you all screaming YES! ) So let's post-pone my Mazda blog and get down to the nitty-gritty.   The handsome guy.   Enjoy ;) ps - this is a disclaimer to all of my cousins (including handsome guy'...


May 2016 It was my family's favorite time of year.  May 2-4 weekend.  The long weekend that we all packed up and went up north to open up the cottage for the summer.  It was such a beautiful time of year.  The long, cold winter was finally coming to an end and thoughts of swimming, water-skiing and sun-tanning were soon becoming a reality. My parents built our cottage well before I was even born, and the property was right next door to my Aunt and Uncle's cottage, so my sister and I were lucky enough to grow up in cottage country with all of our cousins.  This was our norm, but in speaking with friends now, we realize how lucky we were to have them right next to us every single summer.  Birthdays, evening bonfires, marshmallow roasting, cottage dance parties, card games, movie nights, cliff name it, we had spent all of it together, year after year.   Each year, we got a little bit older, but overall, the dynamic was always the...

SooSee.....the Elf on a Shelf

December 2012 "Babe, you HAVE to see this!"  my girlfriend said as she handed me her laptop at a recent playdate. On her computer, were hundreds of pictures of a tiny little red elf all over her screen.  This little elf was posed in various positions and locations all over someone's home.  "What is this?"  I asked,  "Who is this little guy?". "Oh my God.  It's the newest rage. It's "Elf on a Shelf".  You can buy it anywhere. And then you hide it in different locations all over the house for your kids to find the next morning! I just ordered it online!  Can't wait for it to come!  My kids will love it!"  I looked back at the screen.  This elf was hilarious!  The parents had him hang-gliding in one photo, flirting with Barbies in a corvette in another photo and having a marshmallow fight with a teddy bear in another photo.  On one hand, this looked like a lot of work for me.  But on the other hand, this looked inc...