My top 10 beauty tips.
Enjoy :)
1. I do steam facials. I boil a pot of water, put my face over it, put a towel over my head and let the steam do it's magic. And then I realized, why go to that much extra effort when I'm very often already boiling veggies on the stove almost everyday? So I have recently starting doing broccoli steam facials, corn on the cob steam facials, sweet potato steam facials.......
Effective....and delicious :)
2. Having read up on the benefit of moisture for my body I filled buckets of water and put them in random locations around my house during the cold and dry winter months.
I thought I was quite brilliant until I found several barbies in my buckets. Apparently the kids thought that I had set them out as Barbie hot tubs :/ Like Barbie needs ANY more beautifying!?
3. I have recently started doing a technique that my sister taught me. The 30-second face lift. I massage the muscle between my ear and my chin for 30-seconds in order to lift my entire face. I see no change. And yet I refuse to stop just in case my face magically transforms on the 1,234th time.
4. Because being beautiful on the inside is as important as being beautiful on the outside, I use a neti-pot to clean and drain my sinuses by pouring warm salt water up my nostrils while my head is tilted sideways above the sink. One day when telling Mama that I thought I had a sinus infection, she asked (and don't forget the Polish accent) "Are you using your naughty potty??"
5. I believe that being beautiful starts with being grateful, so every morning I wake up and say "Thank you God for this incredible day". And then I do a yoga pose. Lion face.
6. In an effort to improve the quality of my hair, I have been slathering my entire head in warm olive oil and coconut oil every night and keeping my head covered for 2 hours before bed. One evening, while watching TV with my head slathered, the olive oil started dripping down my neck. It took me a while to realize that I was licking it off my cheek every time it dripped down to my mouth :/
7. I recently learned about Frownies, facial patches that you stick on your problem wrinkle areas in an effort to diminish those unwanted lines. But my BFF and I soon realized that we could create our own at a fraction of the cost. We now go to sleep with packing tape on our foreheads.
8. There is nothing more beautiful than a beautiful mind. And I try to keep my mind beautiful by listening to positive and inspirational audio-tapes on my commute to work. It took me a while to realize once that my windows were open and the car driver next to me was listening as I repeated my mantra "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And gosh darn, people like me".
9. I hate using chemicals on my body. Whenever possible I try to use all natural soaps, facial cleansers, shampoos, conditioners and deodorant. I just don't feel like that stuff is good for you.
What's that you say?
Bleach is not natural?
Hey...TAKE IT EASY judgy-mc-judgerson!!
10. After hearing of the many benefits of Himalayan salt lamps, I recently purchased one for our house. Not only do they improve the quality of the air that you breathe, but they also remove the electromagnetic pollution in the air caused by computers and other electrical devices. As I explained these benefits to my sister one day, I admitted to her that I licked the lamp to see if it was actually salt. She burst out laughing and made fun of me for the rest of the day >:( I felt like an idiot for sharing that with her.
Until I walked by my bedroom later that night and caught her with her tongue on my lamp.
For some, beauty may only be skin deep.
For me, it's about implementing a regime that keeps my mind, body and soul beautiful.
And for others, it's about doing whatever you can to erase the years so that you end up looking really, really, really, ridiculously good-looking.
At the end of the day, I think everyone is beautiful. And I am grateful to all of my beautiful and loyal readers who read my blog every week and support me through all my ups and downs. Thank you sincerely. This blog is dedicated to YOU! xoxo
:) :)
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