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Showing posts from March, 2015

One text too many.

As a single mom, my weekends with my children are filled to the brim with  activities.  Swimming, nature hikes, the park, pre-school groups and the library are just a few of the places we go to in order for my children to expend their insane amount of energy.  (Oh to have just 10% of it!) A few weekends ago, after church, I took my daughters to an indoor play park.  Although the volume at one of these places is incredibly loud and not exactly relaxing for parents, it is still an incredible place to go to on those cold and rainy days. About an hour in and I found myself watching Molly as she sped down a little ramp in her car. "Mommy!  Watch me!!!" Over and over she repeated her drive down the little hill. "They can do that for hours eh?" I looked up to see who was talking to me and noticed a guy standing not too far from me.  Probably my age ....and most definitely a dad. "Oh, yeah!  Totally!" I answered back laughing. And just ...

Fingertips and faxing and zebras...OH MY!

I pulled into the driveway and right up to the back door of my new workplace.  Lady Gaga was blaring on the speakers in my van. I live for the applause, applause, applause......  I turned off the car and Gaga's voice temporarily vanished from the speakers. I looked up at the building in front of me. Here we go!! I got out of the car, took a deep breath and looked up at the sign that hung over the front door.   MEDICAL CENTRE . Eeek!  This was it!  First day of work! I was back in the game. I walked over to the side of my van and opened the door to grab everything I brought for my first day of work.  Nothing crazy.....just a few essentials.  My lunch bag, purse, water bottle, makeup bag, coffee traveling mug, extra milk for coffee throughout the day, indoor shoes, chap-stick, hairbrush, hand cream....and a sweater......just in case I got cold. I carefully picked up all my things, and balanced them as I made my way into the buildi...

The next chapter....

For almost 6 years I have been a stay at home mom to my 2 little girls.  Although at times I went a little cuckoo trying to cope with a lack of sleep, temper tantrums, and the incessant high-pitched voice of Dora the Explorer , I would still not go back and trade those years for anything else.  I am incredibly grateful for the amount of time that I have been able to spend with my angels and be by their side as their grew up before my eyes. But.... I always knew that there would be a day that things would change.  That eventually, I would flip the page of my book of life and realize that the chapter had ended, and a new one would begin. That page was recently flipped.  Exactly 2 weeks ago I started a new chapter.   My new job.  --------------------------------- The night before my first day at work, I tossed and turned in bed. My heart was racing. What have I done?   I thought to myself.  How am I going to do this?  How ...

Lookin' for something more....

One morning, on a Saturday, I was trying to get my housework done.  But I kept getting interrupted. First I heard the girls fighting over a fancy dress.  Then over sparkly heels.  Then they fought over the remote.  By the fourth complaint, I couldn't take it anymore.  The screaming, the yelling, the was too much.  It was giving me a headache.  I wanted to scream For the love of God - SHUT UP!!    But of course I didn't.  There was no point.  I mean, how could they possibly hear me if they were on TV? Obviously, the girls I speak of are not my sweet little daughters.   Instead, they are the over-indulged and media-obsessed Kardashian sisters. ---------------------------------------- Over the years I have gotten into the habit of watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians on the Saturday mornings that I don't have my kids.  I enjoyed having a show on in the background that was completely o...

Jessie & Veronica

Continued from last entry..... Veronica On Mama's last trip to Cuba, she decided to go alone.  She was slightly apprehensive at the thought of going to a new place without a companion, but I convinced her that she would be fine.  With her personality and outgoing nature, Mama would have no troubles meeting someone knew. After her week away, our first question to her when she returned wasn't " How was the resort? "  or " How was the weather? " or " Was anyone else wearing the same bathing suit as you?? " (a common annoyance for Mama). Instead it was " Did you meet any friends?? " Mama quickly responded.   Now remember, don't forget the Polish accent....   "Oh my Lord, you have NO idea.  EVERY-BADDY vanted to be vit me.  I already knew 5 people coming off da plane.  Can you imagine?  Every-baddy was so nice.....but no one could beat Veronica". I was listening to Mama while preparing 2 Folgers coffees.  I p...