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Once in awhile I'll get a new friend request on Facebook.  Usually these requests are from girlfriends who I knew in grade school, high school or university.  I always eagerly jump to this new online friend's page to see what they've been up to and see who they're still talking to after all these years.    

I always love getting to know these people all over again.  It's like finding a new friend in your back pocket.  But you don't have to work as hard in creating a brand new friendship from the start....cause you already did that years ago.  It's a really good feeling.  Kind of like finding a $20 bill in your winter coat after pulling it out of storage.  Isn't that just the best?

Anyways, I digress.

Just recently I logged onto Facebook and saw that the tiny 2-person icon on my main page had a little red number 1 beside it.  

Eeeek!  A new friend! 

I quickly clicked on the icon while wondering who the new lucky candidate would be.

The picture popped up on my screen.  And when it did, my mouth dropped.  

I slowly took my hands off the keyboard and folded them under my chin.

It took me a while to realize that I was biting my left thumbnail.  Something I only do when I'm really nervous......


4 weeks earlier

"Babe.  Guess who I saw last night?" my sister's friend Bianka said.
"Who?" I asked excitedly.
"I saw...........

HOLD UP!  Wait a minute.  I just realized something.  If I say this person's name, then all of Ridiculous Girl followers......will go on Facebook and look this person up.  I must protect his anonymity. I'll change his name.  Yes....that's what I'll do!  Ok....back to the story.....

"I saw ...Chazz!"  
(Sorry....that's the first name that popped into my head)

"You saw Chazz??"  Suddenly my eyes were huge.
"Yup!  And he looked GOOD!!  You guys would have made a smokin' couple!"

Chazz and I were a thing back in the day.  I say "thing" because it never really became official.  We sort of knew that we weren't meant for each other.....and eventually we both went our separate ways.  There were crazy sparks between us....but nothing to substantiate an actual relationship.  But there were crazy sparks between us...........wait, did I say that already??

", what happened with you two?  Do you ever talk to him?"  
I smiled and raised my shoulders to my ears.  
"Nope.  I haven't seen or talked to him in...... forever.  I guess he's become a thing of my past."


Well.....somehow my past had found me and jumped into my present life and right onto my Facebook page.

I couldn't help but wonder, if I had tried this relationship before and it didn't work.....then why was I being tested with it again?  And could I actually be friends with this person? 

This extremely handsome person.  

This 6'4" extremely handsome person.  

I got to thinking about closure and the steps involved in moving on.  Sure, there weren't as many steps in closing my thing with Chazz as there were with closing the relationships of my other boyfriends. But there were still steps.  And did it make sense to open up a box that was already sealed with tape and put into storage?
And who was Chazz now?  What was Chazz looking for?  Let's be honest.....Chazz never asked me to be Facebook friends with him when my status said "married".  

(By the way....I'm having a ridiculous amount of fun with this whole Chazz name!)

Anyway, I didn't quite know what to do.

I certainly didn't want to live in the past.  But I also wanted to be a grown-up about my decision.  But I didn't want him to think that I wanted to start something up with him again.  But....I also wanted to be mature and show myself that I could be friends with him if I really wanted to.


I scrolled my cursor back and forth over the buttons "confirm" or "not now" as I stared at his picture.

This decision would be MUCH easier if he wasn't so damn attractive. 

But, somehow, after 10 minutes of debating the pros and cons........I finally decided what to do.


His blue eyes zoomed off the screen. 

Well, that's that.  

I feel good about my decision.

The End.

Wait, what was that?

You want to know what I picked??

Ha ha ha......

What do you think? ;)



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