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41 to 60. And no, this is not my new age category.

I know what you're thinking.  

You're thinking it's time to learn yet another 20 interesting facts about me.

I agree.

Enjoy :)

41.  I slather my face in Nivea every night before bed.  I end up looking like a ghost.  A slippery ghost.

42.  After I get something from  my kitchen cupboard, I leave the cupboard wide open.  I feel like it just makes it easier to grab another item later on  because I don't have to re-open the cupboard again.  And you know how much energy that exerts.  Am I right ladies?? any given time, my kitchen looks like this:   

43.  I gained 70 pounds with each pregnancy.  I took the term 'beached whale' to a whole new level.  I was a beached............wait, what's bigger than a whale?  Damn my lack of ocean knowledge!

44.  I very often steal people's life stories and say that they happened to me.  I don't mean to though.  I just hear a good story, end up forgetting who told it to me, and then somehow I end up thinking that it actually happened to me instead of them.
I didn't realize I was doing this until I started telling my sister a fabulous story about when I partied in Vegas with Leonardo DiCaprio when she rudely interrupted me to say "That happened to ME, not YOU!"

Oops. was a really good story.

I may still re-tell it as my own....just giving y'all the heads up.

45.  I tell my dog Bruce Lee how handsome he is all the time.  And then I ask everyone in the room  "Don't you think he's SO handsome?  Isn't he the most beautiful dog in the world?  I mean, look at his face!  Have you ever seen such a gorgeous dog???".  I will not stop asking until everyone in the room has agreed with me.

46.  I can only carry my purse over my left shoulder.  It will not stay on my right.    It's like....I can only carry the weight of the world on one shoulder.   Get it??  Cause my purse is the weight of the world??  

Tip your waiters guys....I'm here all night!

47.  I am very high energy when I leave my house.  I will talk and laugh with almost every single person I come into contact with.  I return home very tired.  I literally exhaust myself with my own fabulousness.

48.  I love rock and roll.
(Hey....that's kind of catchy.  That should be like a song title or something....)

49.  My favorite color is grey.
(Is that sad?  I feel like that's sad.....)

50.  I was at the airport once when a drug bust went down.  It was very exciting!

51.  Oh, in case you were wondering, the drug bust was not on me.

52.  When I was a kid, I could never get to sleep, and in my state between being awake and asleep, I would suddenly think that everything in my bedroom was moving in slow motion.  It was very scarey....and very trippy.

Wait......that could have been me on quaaludes last week.

No.......that's not right....  

Ohhhhh...that was the OTHER Leo in a scene from Wolf of Wall Street.

My bad!

53.  I've watched Nacho Libre, like, 100 times.
"Get that corn outta my face!!"

54.  I need to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night in order to function properly the next day.  But I'm really at my optimus prime when I get 10.

55.  I love the movie Transformers. guessed it.....Optimus Prime.

56.  When I first started bleaching my hair on my own, I went through a horrible phase where my hair was fluorescent yellow.  Why no one told me how hideous I looked is beyond me?
Those friends can go suck a lemon.
And then maybe their hair will turn fluorescent yellow.

57.  I love to air guitar.  I'm actually very good at it.  I bring my air guitar to clubs, birthdays, weddings....  I can play at your next event.  Just message me.  I only need 2 weeks notice to prepare my set.  My cell # is 1-800-I-ROCK-4-U

58.  I hate when people touch my stuff.  Like when Mama comes over and just starts shifting things or moving things to a different location.  Don't touch my stuff!!!  Arghhhhh >:(

59.  Once I woke up in the middle of the night freaked out because I thought I heard someone walking downstairs.
Turns out it was just the sound of my own heartbeat.

60.  If you're shocked that there are already 60 completely ridiculous facts about this Ridiculous Girl....just wait....... 

I already have 61-80 typed out and ready to go :)

This post is dedicated to our dog, Bruce Lee.

Isn't he the most beautiful dog you've ever seen?? ;)


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