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The great weight debate.

The other day I got a compliment from my mother.  Or what I thought was a compliment.

"You look good", she said with her thick Polish accent.
"Aww, thanks Mama."
"You gained veight.  You look better.  You looked like skeleton before."

Annnnnd there it is.

She didn't stop there....even though she should have.

"Your seeester says you look good too.  She says your new figure suits you better.  You were too skinny before."

Well.  Isn't that just swell.

I immediately put down my Mars bar and picked up an apple.

Although it wasn't the sweetest thing I've ever heard, Mama didn't really bring anything new to my attention. Mama is our family's "Captain Obvious". She loves commenting on things that everyone knows already.  Wait.....I guess I'M being Captain Obvious right now.

Anyhoo...... I am fully aware that I have gained a little bit of weight recently.  Probably somewhere between 5 to 10 pounds.  I refuse to weigh myself though, so I'm not quite sure where things stand "scale-wise". Regardless, whatever that new magical number is, it has made my morning dress-up routine a tad more challenging.  Let's just say that there's a lot more bending and squatting (and swearing) involved in putting on my skinny jeans now.

My whole life, I have pretty much always been the same weight.  Never super skinny, never over-weight, just average.  Kind of like in the story Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.  Not too big, not too small, but just right. 

Being super skinny was never really an option for me because  I hate working out.....and I love food. 

But in the last 5 years, I have not only given birth to 2 children but I have also breast-fed 2 children, ran after 2 children and sacrificed many a meal for 2 children.  Add all this to a very long, stressful and DIFFICULT separation from the ex, and you've got yourself one super-skinny Momma!  So for those of you who have always wanted to lose a significant amount of weight......there you go!  The weight-loss secret of the stars! You're welcome.

On a happy note,  I guess my recent weight gain is a sign that things are on the up and up.  Literally.

And as things in my life are starting to settle, I guess, so is my digestion.

Even my sister's good friend noticed my new figure while dancing this past weekend.

"Leo! You got a RUMP girl!! You look HOT"

Yes.  Leo's rump is back.  Now that I've gained weight, my rump has returned.  I am 1 of only 10 tall, white women in the entire world that has a huge ass.  This is a real statistic by the way....I did the math myself.

You probably did not realize I had a big badonkadonk, so please feel free to take a moment to think about this.


Ok....that's enough.

I said ENOUGH!

Over the past 2 years, I kind of got used to my new "svelte" body.

I thought I looked GOOD.  I mean "REAL" good.  (said in Ron Burgandy voice)

But all of these recent compliments made me wonder.

If people think I look good did they think I looked before??

I couldn't help but women think that they look better just because they're thin? Do our mirrors suddenly become rose-coloured when a new svelte figure is looking back at us? 

Just recently I saw a picture of the Biggest Loser's 2014 winner. Rachel Frederickson's shocking 155-lb weight loss led her to a victory.....along with a ton of controversy.  Instead of compliments, Rachel was hit with backlash and criticism, saying she was way too skinny, anorexic even.  But Rachel was happy with her body and proud of what she had accomplished.  Months later though, she revealed a new fuller figure.  She seemed happier, and so did social media.

Over the past 2 years, I received comments similar to that of Mama's back-handed compliment.
"Wowwww.  You're skinny nowwww."
"You lost a LOT of weight eh?"
"Your bum is gone!"

I never took any of it to heart.   But now, looking back, maybe these were all subliminal messages for me to
gain some weight?  Maybe people thought I was too skinny....and I didn't look good.

And now with all of these compliments regarding my NEW weight size, it's made me think that maybe a few extra pounds didn't hurt.  In fact, they helped.  Looking in the mirror now, I have a whole new perspective.  Maybe THIS is how I'm supposed to look?

In a world OBSESSED with size 0 models, bony celebrities and stupid diets, I'm ready for a change. I'm ready to embrace my curves and my inner-Marilyn Monroe.  And in the words of Justin Timberlake, I'm ready to bring sexy back.  

I mean, if you've got it, flaunt it!!  Right?

And of course..... I will pass on my wisdom and confidence to my 2 little girls, who have been "blessed" with their Momma's booty-licious body.  And when someone tries to convince Lola or Molly that having a gap between their thighs is hot....I hope that my girls will just laugh and walk away.  Because they won't be affected by society's misconceptions of beauty. 

They instead.....will be just like Goldilocks. 

And they will be looking for their "just right".


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