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Does your universe have an expiry date?

It's 11am on a Saturday morning.
I just finished eating two BLT's, and I was sprawled out on my couch in my pj's, watching Keeping up with the Kardashian's and sipping my coffee.

A text comes in from Amy:  
"Whatcha doin?"
"Watching Kardashians.  U?".
"Just woke up.  Watching YouTube videos in bed".
"Call me."

Amy and my sister are eternal optimists.  They will see the positive in the most negative situations.  Amy's sister and I very often laugh at their motivational speeches and transformational YouTube videos that they love watching.   But I have to admit, their thoughts on letting go of control and letting the universe handle things that are completely out of your spectrum, has sort of transformed me!   These sisters of ours, have taught me to see that opportunities are always being thrown at your doorstep.  And that there is no point in worrying, because worrying is a waste of a time and accomplishes nothing.

So over the past year, I have really come to enjoy mine and Amy's positive morning chats!  We talk of pursuing our dreams, traveling, meeting new people, taking up extra-curricular activities, and doing things completely out of our comfort zone.

After our conversation, Amy would then go back to watching her inspirational videos and I would start my second breakfast of the day, and un-pause the Kardashians (like you really missed anything when it was on pause!?  I mean....let's get real....)

But today's conversation with Amy went differently.

Amy started talking about her own life opportunities, and how in the past year, she's perhaps ignored a few "open doors".  I told her it was ok and not to worry.  And that life was FULL of opportunities and that when one door closed, another new one would open.

But Amy was not so convinced.

"Yeah many doors will keep opening if I never go through any of them?  Won't the universe finally give up on me??"


I went quiet.  And I NEVER go quiet.  But I didn't have an answer for her.

This may have been the smartest question I have ever been asked. 

 It made me think of a religious story I heard years ago about a man who was the single survivor of a shipwreck.  The man prayed for God's help to rescue him.  Soon after, a boat came by and offered the man help.  The man replied "No thanks.  God will save me."  The crew shrugged their shoulders and continued on their way.  But the man started to worry.  Shortly after, another boat went by and offered help.  The man politely declined again and said "Thanks, but I'm waiting for God to save me".
After some time, the man lost faith, and drowned.
Upon reaching heaven, the man asked God "Why did you let me drown?  Why didn't you save me?"
God looked at him and said "Are you kidding me?  I sent you 2 boats!!"

If life is constantly throwing you opportunities, and you are constantly ignoring them, I couldn't help but wonder.  Will your universe one day....... expire on you?

I thought of my own life and the number of amazing opportunities that had become present.  And then I thought of how many times I ignored those amazing opportunities? 

Was I about to run out?

Was I the cat with only 2 lives left?

What would happen when your universe suddenly gave up?  Would your opportunity to become the absolute greatest person you could be, just suddenly disappear?

This very scarey thought, forced me to jump off the couch immediately and do something different with my day.  In a sprint, I ran up the stairs to my bedroom.  I quickly threw on some clothes, drew on some eyebrows, threw my hair in a pony, and put on a fabulous new red lipgloss, L'Oreal's Rouge Allegro......which by the way, is one of the sexiest lip glosses I've ever owned.  If anything was going to turn this day around, Allegro would definitely be the hero.....

I threw on my coat and grabbed my purse and ran out the door.  I turned the ignition on in my car and immediately my Dodge Caravan system started booming.......

"You wanna hot body?
You wanna Bugatti?
You wanna Maserati?
You better work b*tch!"

Well....if this wasn't a sign, I didn't know what was!   Britney was speaking to ME.    Just like the ship-wrecked man....God and the universe had sent Britney Spears to my rescue.  I knew it was a sign!  I was going to do something different with my day!  I was going to take life by the balls, and accomplish something!  I was going to meet new people, and I was going to do something that would get me closer to that Maserati..............or Acura........or whatever! 

Metaphorically speaking, my door was open, and I was going to walk through it!

I started driving.  I didn't know where I was going or what I wanted to do...........but I did know one thing.  I knew who I wanted with me on my journey.

I pulled into the driveway, put the van in park, and Amy jumped in.

"You ready babe?"  I said excitedly.
"You know it!  By the way, fabulous lipgloss!"

When life keeps presenting you with opportunities....opportunities that you are constantly asking's probably a good idea to take advantage of them.  

We don't know what will be on the other side of that door.........but why risk missing out on something that could turn out to be fabulous?

I pulled out of the driveway and drove away.....with one of my best girlfriends.....and we were ready to take on the world.  

Or at least.........get out of the house on a Saturday afternoon :)


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