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Charlie's angel

When you have a bad break up with someone, it's very hard to imagine why you were with them in the first place.  You question everything, from the moment you met, to the moment your relationship came to an end.   Inevitably you wonder, why were you attracted to that person on day 1?  What made that connection happen?

It all starts with a look, right?  Not really a love connection, but rather a "look" connection.

But what happens when your love connection........disconnects?  Do you still find yourself attracted to the same type of person, or does your type change?

I think most people would agree that everyone has a "type".  Whatever your type is, this is the person that tends to turn your head the most.

But as you encounter different life experiences, you grow....and you change.....and your type may change to reflect that...... right?

I personally, could never be with someone who reminded me of an ex.  It just wouldn't make sense in my head....and in my heart. 

In fact, I'm sure that most people would be like me and would want to do a complete 180 and look for someone that was the exact opposite of their ex. 

So I guess then, it begs the the "look" enough?  What about their personality?  What about their extracurricular activities?  What about their daily routine?  How much does your type change when your life changes?

Would your eyes suddenly be open to new matches that you never thought possible before?

My girlfriends and I debated about this topic over martinis one night.  

Could you suddenly become attracted to a whole new type?

My sister was convinced that attraction could 100% come organically if all of the other elements worked.  So someone that you never thought of in a romantic way originally, could suddenly spark your interest if the time was right and if everything else clicked.

I was not so convinced by her theory. I shook my head NO while sipping my martini.  She was not happy with my reaction.

"Why are you fighting this?  It's ABSOLUTELY possible that attraction can come at different points in your relationship if the time is right!"  My sister was VERY confident in her made-up theory.

"No.  I disagree!"  I yelled back while laughing, "The attraction MUST be there right from the get-go.  It can't happen any other way!"

My good friend Amy then shared a story with us about her friend who went through a horrible break-up and then began dating her guy best friend, a man who she never thought of romantically before.  But now that her circumstances had changed, and inevitably SHE had changed, this person who she had so much in common with, had now suddenly become the perfect romantic interest.  

Well.....perhaps I'm pessimistic, but I don't believe in that stuff.  That just doesn't happen in the real world.  That stuff happens in chick flicks.

But then I start to second-guess myself......

Could it happen?  Was it possible?  Could you suddenly become attracted to....a friend?

The whole thing seemed very unlikely.

If you didn't think of them romantically before, how could you possibly think of them that way now?  Where would the attraction come from?  And let's not forget about how it would change everything.... the whole dynamic of your friendship!  

And....wouldn't it just be..........weird??  

I mean the only way, in my head, that it would work is if the guy suddenly resembled Charlie Hunnam, drove a sexy car and rocked your world in bed.  But that doesn't happen right?? ;)

 Anyway, I digress.   

I guess I can admit that there MIGHT be a possibility of a romance between friends.  I mean....I'm humble enough to realize that the universe is much bigger than me and there just might be a bigger plan happening behind the scenes of my life.  Perhaps an opportunity that you never before thought possible, could suddenly be placed right before your eyes.......something that you never in a million years expected before.

 Who knows what's in store for may just throw you a delicious surprise :)

On that note, I leave you with one final image.  

The uber-delicious Charlie Hunnam. 

Enjoy :)


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