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Livin' la vida....LOCO!

My eyes are shut.
I hear loud music.
I'm being forced into a chair.

I can't take it anymore....

"Can I open my eyes NOW?"
"Yes!!"  they all answer.

I slowly open my eyes.  Everything is a blur.  Bright lights are flashing directly at me.  I'm squinting now. 
Wait......I see  It's a man.  He's walking towards me.  I finally gain my focus.

"Ladies!!  Are you ready for the night of your lives??  Welcome to the stage.....our main attraction......RICKY LOCO!!!"


12 hours earlier.

I'm lying on the couch. The kids have just left with their Dad for the weekend.  

It's been a rough week.  I'm exhausted.  This divorce is draining me.

I want to run away.   I want to get out of this stupid town and escape it all.   I'm tired of this fight.  I'm tired of court, of lawyers and of my life.  But alas....I can't put a stop to it.  

But I CAN get away, even if for just one weekend.

I call my girlfriends.  They can hear the desperation in my voice. Within the hour, they are all waiting at my doorstep with overnight bags on their arms.  I don't know whether to cry....or scream with joy!

We all squeeze into my minivan, the movie Bridesmaids blaring on the DVD player, Tim Hortons in hand, and we're off!!

As we're driving hours away from home, I am starting to feel relief.  Like someone who has just finished writing a very important exam......or someone who has just sold their house.  A weight is being lifted off my shoulders.  I'm leaving it behind, for 48 hours.  I need to re-boot.  I need to turn my mind off and have fun.  LOTS of fun......


I look at Ricky's body.  I laugh and shake my head in disbelief!  I remember that part in the movie CRAZY STUPID LOVE when Emma Stone sees Ryan Gosling shirtless for the first time and she says "F@#K!  Seriously?  It's like you're photo shopped!"  
I think the same about Ricky's body.

He walks over and stands directly in front of me.  The rest of the room suddenly disappears.  I slowly look up.  I'm so nervous I could die, but I can feel the smile permanently imprinting itself on my face.  I hear my BFF say under her breath, "He's giggling!!  This is kind of cute!  I think he's into you??!"  

He does have a cute little smirk on his face.  But there is nothing "not cute" about this man!  It's his JOB to look cute!!!  He looks down at me and says "You ready?  We're gonna have some fun"

The bride-to-be across the room, who up until now had all of the attention, does not look impressed.

Ricky leans over and whispers in my ear.  "You look like my ex-girlfriend"
I want to whisper back, "You look like my future boyfriend"  but my nervousness gets the better of me.  Why am I always so much cooler in my head??
"Where are you guys going after this?"  he asks while doing unimaginable things with his body. 
I can't concentrate.  My head is spinning.  It's been spinning since we walked into this club.  I would blame it on the gin and 7's if Ricky wasn't in the picture.
"Ummm.....Dragonfly....we're that club Dragonfly...."
How the heck I managed to get that sentence out is beyond me!
He just smiles.
And goes back to his routine. 
Is this happening right now?  How did I end up here?  I suddenly hear the voices in my head.....Leo!  Stop talking to yourself and count his abs!!!

I'd like to get into details about Ricky's routine, but of course I won't. I have to keep this blog somewhat PG, and I'd also like to be selfish and keep that stuff for myself!  Just picture Channing Tatum in the movie Magic Mike......or refer to my past blog on Magic Mike if you wish.  Regardless, whatever you're thinking......multiply that by 100......

Ricky finishes his dance, winks and walks away.

What the hell just happened??  Was that a dream?  Was that legal?? I'm feeling light-headed.....

Outside the building, after we leave, I quickly light a cigarette.  
No, I don't smoke.  
But what else does a non-smoker do after something like THAT?
I shake off my body (or as my blonde friend would say "the stripper sweat!") and we head to the nightclub.  

I can't contain my smile.  This is EXACTLY what I needed.  I needed to get away.  I needed a break from my life, and I needed to do something crazy! For all that I've been through in the past year, Ricky is EXACTLY what I needed! 

At Dragonfly later that night, I'm standing at the bar, ordering the next round of gin and 7's for the group.  I think to myself "what an unbelievable night".  I look over at my girlfriends who are having a blast. One of them is starting a dance-off!  I chuckle to myself.  Only MY girls!!

Sigh.  The past year has been a rough ride.  And it will continue to be a rough ride.  But moments like this make you realize that once in blue moon, you CAN escape and have a little fun.....just for yourself!  

I'll figure it out.   The path that I'm on right now may not be the one I originally chose for myself...... but as I have been saying a lot lately....."it is what it is".  I'm on this path for a reason. I'll have my bad days....and I'll have my good days.....

The bartender snaps me out of my thoughts by saying,  "Ok hun, that's $42.50".  I reach into my purse, when suddenly someone puts their hand over my purse and says,  "I got it".

I look up, confused.

It's a familiar and beautiful face.

"Wha??  What are you doing here?"  I ask with a stutter.  I can feel my face burning up......

He smiles and says,  "I told you we were going to have fun...."

I guess this is going to be one of those really, REALLY good days :)



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