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The puddle.

Being a newly single mom to 2 small children is should I put it?  Insane.  It's insane.  It's busy, it's crazy and you don't stop moving or talking for a single second. 

So I'd love to say that the days that I don't have the girls are the days that I sit and relax and stare off into space.......but  Those are the days where I REALLY swing into action.  Those are the days that I get 101 tasks completed in a mere 8 hour time-frame.  Like my BFF always says "If you need to get something done......ask a busy Mom!!"

The other of my alone days......I had been running around like a chicken with my head cut off and I was just about ready to pass out from exhaustion.  But I had approximately 20 minutes left before the girls would be dropped off and I really didn't want to spend my last short amount of time playing Candy Crush on the couch (although I'm proud to announce that I've successfully made it to Level 57.  Divine.)  

I decided that in those last 20 minutes of Leo-time, I would go for a walk.  I was so pleased with my decision.  I put on a sweater, some runners and threw my iphone in my pocket.....just to keep track of time.  But I was only going for a short walk, so I knew I would be back with time to spare.

Ahhh.  The fresh air.  There is NOTHING like fresh air.

Someone once called me the "Fresh-Air Pimp" because every time we were outside together, I would loudly announce with a huge smile, "Breathe in that fresh air!!  Breathe deep!  Isn't it amazing??  Isn't that fresh air just amazing???"

I was taking my long, deep breaths of fresh air when I heard a bit of a rumble.  Hmmm.  I thought the storm was over?  I look up at the sky.  It was getting a teeny-bit darker, but I'm sure nothing I needed to worry about.  So I continued on my journey.

5 minutes later I am in full stride.  I am swinging my arms like nobody's business.  "Pump-it walks" as I like to call them.  

Ahhhhh.  Breathe in that fresh air.

I'm picking up speed when I notice a path off to the side.  Wow....I haven't taken that path in forever.  I'm gonna do it!  It's a little far from home, but I'm sure I can make it back in time.  I check the iphone.....I'm 10 minutes into my walk.  Ok!  Let's do this.  10 minutes to do the path and get back home.  Plenty of time.

The sky rumbles again.  Dammit.  It's getting kind of dark now. sense in turning back.  I can do this.
This is awesome!  I'm so happy I decided to do this!  Great way to end the day!

I'm in full "pump-it" mode, when I see a massive puddle covering the entire path up ahead.  Shoot.  I walk right up to it.  It's about 4 inches deep.  Crap. 

Well.....gotta stay positive.  Once I get through this puddle, I'm sure I'll be in the clear.  I slowly wade through the path.  My runners get completely drenched, but I made it!  Ha!  Look at me!  Nothins' gonna knock this girl down!!!

I check my iphone.  8 minutes left.'s getting kind of tight on time.  I pick up my pace.  I go up a hill, down another hill and then I see something big and orange.  Hmm....what's that??  What's orange in the forest?


It's a giant, construction vehicle........the entire pond overflowed onto the rest of the path.  I spot the driver in the truck.

"Hey lady!!  You better turn around!  We're about to pump this whole pond!  The whole path is underwater"

Of course it is.

"Thanks."  I yell back, with a slight air of sarcasm.  


The sky suddenly turns black and thunder starts roaring.  Suddenly, little rain drops are pelting on my head. need to panic.  Just pick up the pace.  Get through that puddle again, and you'll still have plenty of time to get home.  I check the iphone......5 minutes left.  Bloody hell.

I jump through the puddle.  Now, not only are my shoes drenched, but the bottoms of my track pants get drenched too.  Gross.  My feet are squishing in my shoes.  Urgh.  Disgusting.  What if there was like, animal poo in that water??  And now it's in my shoes??  This is beyond tragic.  I check my phone.  4 minutes.  Argbhhh!!!!  Suddenly the rain starts coming down harder.  This is so stupid!!  Why did I decide to do this???  Stupid walk.  Stupid......stupid rain....stupid water......stupid squishiness!!!!

3 minutes left.

I start running.
I'm running faster than I've ever ran before.  
And now it's pouring.
So help me God if my eyebrows wash off.
And my hair!  Urghh.....I did such a cute little Gwen pony-tail today!
Why am I in the wildnerness???

I finally make it home.
I run into my driveway just in time to see the girls being dropped off.
I run up the 3 steps to my covered porch as fast as I can to get out of the rain.  I'm leaning over my knees and panting as my 4-year old comes up the stairs. 

"Mommy???!!!!"  she gasps.

I'm still trying to catch my breath.  But I slowly lift my head to look up at my daughter.  She looks so upset.  Poor thing.  She's probably so worried about me!!  God bless her!  I love that she's in my life!  She's always so sincere and loving.  And she always says the right things when I'm feeling down.

"Yes sweetie?"  I say out of breath.

"Where are your eyebrows??????" 


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