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Oh those Polacks....

So there's an old Polish saying....and it goes like this........"the way you ring in New Years Day will set the tone for the remainder of the year".

Well then.

If that's the case..........then I will be hung-over and will crawl out of bed around noon everyday in 2013.  I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing??

Let's agree that that's a bad thing :)

On a good note, I had a fantastic New Years Eve, surrounded by tons of friends.  We drank way too much and laughed even more. 

I was called "lame" for stopping half way through the night to ask the host for a full glass of water.  He laughed so hard as he handed me a glass of beautiful, fresh, clean detoxification :) 

As I left the party well past my routine bedtime of good friend yells after me "Now don't forget.....TONS of gatorade and CRACKERS before bed!!"  I blow her a kiss and head off.
Pfffttt.  Crackers!!!!  Who eats crackers before bed????

I should have eaten the crackers.

The next morning, I lie in bed.....lifeless. 
"Urgghhhhhh"  I groan like a dying frog.
My sleep mask is still on.  It must be like......8am or something??
I lift my eye mask slightly and peer at the clock.  Face all scrunched up.  Not good for the wrinkles.  11:34. 
My head is pounding. 

I grab my phone.  My BFF just texted.
I text back.

My head is spinning.  My ears are ringing.  No wait....that's the phone.

"urgh....herlo???" I say in my frog voice.
"HALLO???!!"  My Polish mother yells with her strong accent.  "Iz dat you???  Are you dead????"
"urgh.  Mama.  Hi.  It's me.  I'm not dead.  Happy New Years."
"Happeee  New Yearz.  So....I guess you are not going to church with me???" 
There it is.  New Years guilt!  Gotta love being a Polack.
"No Ma.  My head is pounding".
" I will pray for you.  Bye."

So now 2013 will be filled with a lack of working out.....a lack of church and a dissapointed mother.  Great.

I meander downstairs. 
I open the fridge.
I didn't get groceries.
I open the cupboards.  Box of pancake mix.  Ahhh....pancakes.  Good.  Yummy.

Shit.  I burnt the pancakes.

So please add a lack of groceries....and burnt food to my 2013 list.

I'm not doing so good.  If I were playing a video game, this is where I would start fading on the screen and a notice of "your power is down to 10%" would suddenly appear.

I look in the mirror.
Good God.
I will not describe because you should ALWAYS think of me as glamorous.
Let's just add, bad hair and bags under the eyes to 2013.

I need to turn this day around....and FAST!!!!!

Against all my better judgement, I head outside.
I take a huge breath of fresh air.  The sun is shining so brightly that even in the -5C weather, my face feels warm.
I decide to go for a long walk. 
And I start thinking.....I start thinking of that Polish saying.
I'm screwed!!  If that saying is true....I'm screwed!!!!
It can't be true.  There's no way!!!?
How did the Polacks choose the day where almost everyone in the WORLD is hungover the day to set the tone for the remainder of the year????  It makes NO sense!!!!
(This is where someone throws in a Polish joke.  And I yell back...."shut up!!!  we're AWESOME!")

So I have decided to come up with my own goes:

"January 2nd is the day to set.....where all your plans are sure to jet!!"   yes???? 
no. sucks.


"January 1st you're a little wait a week so your year won't suck!!!"
Hmmm.....not sure if that one rhymes in Polish.
Doesn't really rhyme in English either.....

This isn't working. get my point.
I refuse to believe that the rest of 2013 will be exactly like today.

But tomorrow......tomorrow......I will wake up at.....6AM!!!  yes!!  I'll get to bed early and wake up at 6am.  I will start the day in peace and quiet.....before the girls wake up.   I'll do some yoga.  And have a green smoothie for breakfast.  No burnt pancakes tomorrow!!!!!  And then I'll go for a huge nature walk with the girls...... just rang.
It's my girlfriend.
"Bunny!!!!  Iron Man marathon on tonight!!!  I'm coming over.  I'm bringing wine!!! Robert Downey Jr.....Eeek!!!!!"


January 3rd!!!!  January 3rd will be the START to 2013!!!!!!!!!



  1. Haha, love it. It is an English thing too...though they say what you are doing at midnight is what you will be doing all year (so last year it was laundry...hmmm...yep, bang on there...dammit). This year? I think I had just kicked my husband's arse in Scrabble. Watch out 2013, LL's in da HOWSE! ;) 2013 is fresh and clean Leo. Make it what you dream it to be.


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