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To be a 3 year old.......

Last night our 3 year old breaks into song......not "Ring around the rosey", not "You are my sunshine".....but "Born this Way" by Lady Gaga!  It came out of nowhere!!!  She jumped up on the coffee table, started whipping her head around, found her princess toy microphone and started belting out the lyrics.....well....what she thought were the lyrics!!  Instead of "oooh there ain't no other way", she yells "uda, eda, uddaway....right track baby I was BORN THIS WAY!!!!!".  My favorite part was "don't be a drag, just be a queen!!"  NICE!!! 
Then there's my 6 month old, who ALSO does whatever she pleases!!!  It's usually a good 3 tries to get her down for a nap because the first 2 end up with her opening her eyes and laughing at if saying "pffttt, not that time Mom!!!  Try again!! hahaha!!!"
Even my husband will break into a Red Hot Chili Pepper song, full volume in the grocery store....oblivious to the stares....maybe even secretly liking them!! 
Anddd.........then there's me.  The girl who lives in a state of worry and fear.  "But what would people think??" "I can't do that!!!!"  "Go out without makeup????  You're hilarious!!!  We all know that's NEVER going to happen!!!!"
But, what if I suddenly woke up with my daughter's personality???  What if I suddenly didn't care about the silly stuff???  What if I just focused on being super crazy happy.....all the time???
As I'm typing this, I'm smirking!  That's ridiculous!!!!  It's important to worry about what people think!!!!  You only have one chance to make a good impression!!!  If I had a penny for every time my Polish mother her thick Polish accent......"You're going out with THAT hair???"  "Where's your lipstick???" "But your shoes don't match your purse???"  "You're wearing track pants to the store???" She created the ultimate WORRY WART!!!!
So forward 20 years and I'm watching my 3 year her way through life....literally.  Everyday is filled with a million hair accessories, pink tutus, Dora backpacks, Princess tiaras AND wands, singing at the top of lungs almost all the time and making sure everyone knows that she's there and she needs to be heard.
Now.........I'm not saying that a woman in her 30's should start wearing tiaras and tutus........however, maybe there is something to be learned from these tiny little people.  Maybe life doesn't need to be so heavy???  Why not blare some Guns 'n Roses in your car with the windows down.............even if your car is a minivan.....and even if your kids are sitting in the back seat??  Ok....bad example....maybe GnR's a bit rough for the little ones.....but you get my point!!!! 
I find it's so easy to get caught up in the day to day monotony of life.  Now that I'm a mom, I find that every moment of everyday could easily be filled with chores.  Boring, mundane chores.  Even things I use to make time for, reading fun novels, writing in my diary, practising new hair-dos in the mirror at night.....all of that is put aside for the things you think you need to do all the time.  But then what??  You end up with a woman who is so over-whelmed and frustrated and bored that she forgets to enjoy her kids, her husband.....even herself. 
I have a friend who seems truly uninspired with life.  Never worries about her appearance. She lives for her kids...but not for herself.  If I ever suggest an outing, or a yoga class just her and I, she tells me that she could NEVER leave her kids with anyone.  So day after day, she does the same thing....and never gives herself the opportunity to have some fun....some excitement. 
I was watching American Idol the other day, and after receiving a ticket to Hollywood for an outstanding performance, the singer asks J-LO......."how do you do what you do with 2 small children??"  And J-Lo answers calmly......"My kids are better for having a happier mom.  They travel with me everywhere and I use the support of my family to take care of them.  They need to see mom active and doing what she loves".  Couldn't have put it better myself!!
My 3 year old teaches me everyday to enjoy life!  To get out of the house and LIVE!  To look and feel like a princess where ever you go.  To stop worrying and start doing!  
I always thought that becoming a mom would limit the things that I could do for myself.  But what I'm realizing is that life is just beginning.  That you can start from scratch!  Become a kid again! Be inspired and find new passions!  Get a new hair-do!  Try a martial arts class!  Do something fun and just for yourself.
And when you turn on the radio, and Footloose is playing........throw down your laundry and start bustin' a move....a la Kevin Bacon!


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