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Showing posts from February, 2018

Ridiculous Girl gets in FOCUS!

It is said that 50 is the new 40 and 40 is the new 30. It is also said that once you hit 40,  everything goes downhill.... like your looks and your health. So who am I to believe? Well, if you know anything about this Ridiculous Girl, then you know that I live in a world where I don’t age, I don’t wrinkle and I only get more youthful and beautiful with time :)  So, in essence, I live in a state of complete and utter delusion.  That all being said, I am obviously a firm believer in statement number 1.  That 40 is the new 30.    Possibly even younger.  25 even. But you can imagine what a huge shock it was to me when I actually did notice some, albeit minute, signs of aging.  The odd wrinkle here and there, the cricking and cracking of my joints, and last but not least, my eyesight.  Or rather, the lack of it. That one I didn’t see right away, pun intended.  In fact, it was a coworke...

The pretty boy has fallen.

Sunday night, as I’m sure most of you know, was the 52 nd  Superbowl Championship.  Wait…….I wrote 52 nd  wrong.  Let me correct that for you:  The “LII” Superbowl Championship.    ( So dumb. Who uses Roman numerals anymore?? ) Anyway, as I’ve written before in a past blog (which no doubt you’ve read), I am not a die-hard football fan.  But when it comes to the Superbowl, I never miss a single game.  And no, it’s not just the Superbowl parties that have me hooked….. even though they really are truly delightful with their traditional foods in football-shaped buns.  But no, it’s really not about the delicious foods.  Or even the good company.  It’s about the energy and the excitement of the match.  It draws you in.  It’s palpable. For the last 2 hours of the epic game, I sat on the edge of my seat watching as the Patriots and the Eagles battled it out for the title of the cha...