When it comes to your birthday, some people like to celebrate and others do not. When it comes to MY birthday, I like to shout it from the rooftops……OR from the top of the CN Tower. Which is exactly the location that Handsome Guy booked for my special day when I rang in my 40 th . This year, I wanted to give him a birthday gift that I knew he would really enjoy – because what better way to show your love for somebody then to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on them! I think it was Deepak Chopra who said that? Anyway, after a bit of searching, I stumbled upon Tree Top Trekking. A fun day of zip-lining and walking across suspended bridges high up in the trees. It was the perfect day of adventure for us, because we both loved excitement, we both loved the outdoors, and we both loved any excuse to try our new sparkle all day face mist which protected your makeup from the elements and dry heat. Ok, maybe that last one w...