After a nasty separation and over 2 years stuck in the legal process, you start to lose your "sense of self". Not only do you wonder how people perceive you, but you start to wonder how you are perceiving yourself. I know who I am, and I know what I want...........but does it come across to others when they see me? This is something that I very often think about. I looked into the mirror the other day and saw a woman staring back at me. She had kind eyes, but they looked tired. She had smooth skin, but it was dry and depleted. She had platinum hair and.............well, let's be honest.......there's absolutely nothing wrong with platinum hair ;) I tried to momentarily step out of my body to see what others see when they look at me. But of course I couldn't. Because I knew the heaviness that I was going through at that very moment. It was clouding my judgement. I am a woman who has been through a lot and I h...