For those of you who don’t know, I’m a huge movie buff. I watch movies ALL of the time. And it’s entirely not unusual for me to get “hooked” on a movie that I absolutely love, and then watch that movie every day for weeks in a row. Yes, I said every day. Every, single, day. That’s ridiculous you say??? Well…….of course it is! I am Ridiculous Girl after all ;) Anyway, the movie that I am currently hooked on is called “It’s Complicated”. A delightful comedy released in 2009 which stars the acting geniuses Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin. I regularly “troll” through TV stations to see which movies are coming up and which I need to tape. As you can imagine, I have quite the plethora of fabulous movies on my PVR ready to be enjoyed over and over …..and over again. I’m sure you can also imagine how devastated I was when I sw...